Danny Terpintine's Private Oasis

Looks great, I've been watching your grow on a different forum and lusted after those clips when you were sending them out. Pink Kush is rarer than frogs hair lol, that's a great strain from what I hear. I was blessed with some Biker Kush F2 seeds recently and I'm so looking forward to running them and crossing a few to Motorbreath 15 and TK. It's great to find your thread here and if you don't mind I'll pull up a chair and watch those Biker Kush grow.
Looks great, I've been watching your grow on a different forum and lusted after those clips when you were sending them out. Pink Kush is rarer than frogs hair lol, that's a great strain from what I hear. I was blessed with some Biker Kush F2 seeds recently and I'm so looking forward to running them and crossing a few to Motorbreath 15 and TK. It's great to find your thread here and if you don't mind I'll pull up a chair and watch those Biker Kush grow.

Absolutely, love to have you around, and love to have the conversations! (Partially why I cross post, I get to have different convo's with different communities <3 .)

Oh yeah, I used to grab the pink kush from many different dispo's around here, but I really want to grow her myself and see her full expressions. She smells wonderful already in veg!

(And thanks for the feedback, maybe I should put up more clips then!) :D

The biker didn't have the best germ rate. And they had a pretty slow start. I'm hoping I can get a couple nice females and males for an open pollination to refresh the stock.
Thanks @FirstCavApache64

Here's another clip :D .

Here's a Limed Orange... I swear it feels like I just moved her into this 3 gal lol...

Did some root trimming today. Yeah those pots are now way over full and watering is a pain (hooray organized chaos!), but I need to keep them in these pots for another 3 weeks or so and they're already root bound! They'll prob get root bound again, but I don't want to go any larger in pot size because of space constraints. I guess I'll treat her like a giant bonsai :rofl: :sob: .
That's a lot of cups! Definitely hanging around for this one. Do you have any pics of your finished sour d keeper? My brother has been searching for a good sour diesel for years. Your pheno looks healthy and vigorous
This pheno really changed my opinion about SD and made me realize why people like it so much. (Before this I've grabbed SD various times from dispo's but was never really super ecstatic about it.) But this pheno lasts a solid 3 hours where 99% of other strains I'm lucky to get an hour out of.

I have the ECSD cut going beside it. (Mine is also ECSD worked lineage.) The ECSD is more sour but not much diesel. The DT Cut is sour with heavy diesel on top. (At least on the stem rub so far.) Will be fun to do a side by side on the final flower to really see how they stack up.

This is the Sour D (DT cut) - it was fully seeded. (Grown in a 1gal square nursery pot.) I put it through 80% RH days from weeks 5-8 (on a 12 week harvest) and ZERO pm/mold... she took it like a champ. There were also thrips in that tent and this pot/sticky strap was by far the least affected.

P.s. I did share some of these cuts (After I revegged her and took care of the pest issues)... (but only in :Canada: )
Screenshot 2024-01-04 at 3.55.49 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-01-04 at 3.55.54 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-01-04 at 3.54.35 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-01-04 at 3.54.46 PM.png

This is the revegged mother: (she's been hungry since transplant even being fed full strength nutes and organics. I really need to put her into a 10gal but that's not an option lol. I ended up cutting her back and doing a root trim as well for the time being.)
Screenshot 2024-01-04 at 4.06.30 PM.png

(Seeded) Nug Video:

(I pollinated her with a Panama Haze BX2 male.) :)

Here's a smoke report (Of the seeded bud. I covered a branch so it was only partially seeded.)
This Sour though… smells meannn. It’s the kind of Sour that makes you make that yuck face, that milk got left in your gym locker for a few weeks yuck. And then it’s followed by a diesel fuel.
Vape test; tastes like the smell. The sour smells more yuck, but the sour taste has a bit of a sweetness to it. Hits instantly, very sativa, euphoric, mental focus is all over the place (but not racey, and not anxiety driven). Settles into the body, arms and legs as well. Good muscle relaxant. Good pain killer. Feel it in my face and cheeks as well. Eyes sitting low. Things around me seem like they’re moving really fast. Hard to stay focused on one thing. Kind of energizing, euphoric, but also relaxing.
Joint test; It pretty much tastes how it smells, you get that sourish diesel on top of old school weed terps. Instantly feel it on the first exhale, very cerebral/heady. A few more tokes and you start to feel it in your body, and then it settles in your legs. All while still remaining nice and euphoric and mentally pretty alert. But your body will prevent you from running around like you would with most typical sativa strains. It is very very long lasting, easily twice as long lasting as some of the longest lasting smoke I’ve had this year.
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Anddd just like that a giant hunt becomes a small hunt!

... some of ya' might think I'm crazy for such aggressive culling, all I can say to that is, trust the process.

21 Days from planting in soil. This is pre-water so they're pretty thirsty/droopy.(They're just about to start getting fed up with being on solo cups :sweat_smile: )

Post Transplant. Over a hundo... down to 40.

0r4 pre transpant 01.png
0r4 pre transpant 02.png
0r4 pre transpant 03.png
0R3 21 Days veg - post transplant.jpg

GTR F2 Selections:
gtr f2.png

Blue Kush F2 Selections:
blue kush f2.png

Mango Bubba F2
mango bubba f2.png

Sour Diesel (DT cut) X (Panama Haze BX2). These fell out of the seeded reveg mother and were growing. Seriously impressed with the terps on these!
sour d x panama h bx2 01.png
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Day 25. More culling. Didn't feeling like getting dirty tonight, but I'll pull those GTR males tomorrow, look at my notes, and pull the next best GTR picks to replace the males.

Biker Kush F2 - very happy with this little one. Still unsexed.
Biker Kush 6 01.png

Eutierria 15. None of the Eutierria have shown sex yet.
Eutierria 15 01.png

Eutierria 39. Very impressive with this pheno! (Also pheno's 5 and 6, not sure why I forgot to picture those!)
Eutierria 39 01.png
Eutierria 39 02.png

GTR F2. Not my preference for showing sex this early, but sheeeshhh this no 1 male... My day 10 veg notes were "Skunky Fuel Funk"... Now she straight up smells like a mechanic shop... that funky grease/gas covered overalls been working on car engines all day kind of funk.
5/6 of the GTR I chose ended up being Male. One is unsexed. One is my no1 selections. The other 4 will most likely replaced with more GTR tomorrow. :pray:
GTR F2 1 01.png
GTR F2 1 02.png
GTR F2 1 03.png

The unsexed GTR F2
GTR F2 8 (no sex).png

GTR F2 Males. The no1 terps stand out from these four in a brutally impressive way.
GTR F2 males.png
Mango Bubba F2 ... HECK YEAH! Smells very similar to the male anddd she's a FEMALE! :pray: ... Going to be the PERFECT candidate to IX with the father's pollen again and pull more of those mango bubba males from! :smiley:
Mango Bubba F2 1 01.png
Mango Bubba F2 1 02.png
Mango Bubba F2 1 03.png

Mango Bubba F2 No6. This ones a male and smelling really mean too (kush, og, artificial "purple")... Will keep a close eye on him... I like him but haven't fully committed him to any females matches yet.
Mango Bubba F2 6 01.png
Mango Bubba F2 6 02.png
27 days since planting in soil.

r4 01.png
r4 02.png

Eutierria 39
eutierria 39.png

Mango Bubba 1 (female)
mango bubba 1 01.png
mango bubba 1 02.png

Blue Kush 14 (male). Interesting the way the branches grow horizontal… I’ve had that with one other IBL plant in the past.
blue kush 14 01.png
blue kush 14 02.png

Blue Kush 15
blue kush 15.png


Eutierria (keeper) X Mango Bubba. The entire seeded plant put out two seeds (only partially harvested because I wanted to reveg her.)… One is female one is male… Tempted to f2 them to see what I’ll find in there but still deciding.
Eutierria keeper x mango bubba 1.png
Day 29 from planting in soil. (pic dump incoming ;) .)

1111 (undisclosed genetics, testers) veryyyy happy with the way these are turning out so far!
1111 01.png
1111 02.png
1111 03.png
1111 04.png

Biker Kush F2 - had some runts and germ problems, but still got a couple nice phenos. Pheno 6 smells most authentic to me imo… very excited to find out the sex on that one!
biker 2.png
biker 3.png
biker 6.png

Bue Kush 15. Similar structure to the 14 male.
blue kush 15.png

Blue Kush 14 male. Don't know if I like the way the branches grow side-ways, but my goodness the terps on her are stillll top 3 out of the 100+ lot.
blue kush 15 male 01.png
blue kush 15 male 02.png
Eutierria 5
eutierra 5.png

Eutierria 6 (I was hoping this one would be a male, and I’m 95% sure it is! )eutierra 6.png

Eutierria 27 (Female)
eutierra 27.png

Eutierria 39
eutierra 39.png

Eutierria 15 (Mac stomper terps dom male) - throw-away. Looks great, smells great, but I’m not working towards that side atm.
Euttiera (15) ms dom Male.png

Eutierria X Mango Bubba… since I only got TWO seeds out of the whole plant, I think I will be opening her up to f2s… I think I’ll find some really unique fire terp profiles in the f2s. That Eutierria keeper terps were sooo unique, and the mango bubba has such a complex terp profile.
Eutierria X Mango Bubba 2
eutierra x mango bubba 02.png
Eutierria X Mango Bubba 1
eutierra x mango bubba 01.png

GTR ohhhh MAN!..
GTR one - male… this shit smells like OGGGG KUSSHHHH like that SHARP GAS/KUSH profile you smell on some DANKKK OG!
GTR 1 (male).png
GTR 11 - female, similar vibes to the no1 male but not quite as sharp and strong on the terps. (I’m crazy excited for the male though!)
GTR 11 (female).png


  • Eutierria 27 (female).png
    Eutierria 27 (female).png
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Mango Bubba no1 - still love love love her! Terps, growth, vigor, everything!
mango bubba 1 01.png
mango bubba 1 02.png
Mango Bubba no2 - also a female
mango bubba 2 (female).png
Mango Bubba 11 - female. Veryyyy nice structure on her!
mango bubba 11 01 (Female).png
mango bubba 11 02.png

Sour D (dt cut) x Panama Haze BX2 - these are starting to get strettchhyyy. Having smoked both parents, the terps I’m getting from this have me real excited for some niceee sativa’s with full body effects.
sour d (dt cut) x panama haze bx2.png