Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
nope been a city slicker my whole life accept when i live in west virgnia for 4 years but i dont say i requkon anymore so im good


Well-Known Member
Dedicated to ROSEY PEACH...
This is my kinda country...



Well-Known Member
I appreciate all the trouble you went to with the wiki definition...I'm well aware of what the word means. Maybe you should google CRACKER? Being "sensitive" to your inappropriate comment is NOT an indication of how my day was. It's an indication of the lack of tolerance I have for such IGNORANCE. Your comment about not saying the "N word" to "them" speaks VOLUMES. May I add, I DID NOT call you a punk. THAT Mr Wanna-be debonair Dankschwag was your own confession...which you quite efficiently demonstrated with your comments that followed.
Your comment about not saying the "N word" to "them" speaks VOLUMES.

Hmm How about your interpretation or misunderstanding of my comment. You highlight N and using N instead of Nigger is acceptable in the PC world. Obviously you are very sensitive that then you pushed "them" to be like I was saying THEM PEOPLE, when them is the appropriate pronoun to use in a sentence. I am so not sensitive that that didn't even register till now since you have highlighted "THEM" as an offense.

Please step off ... Ok miss priss I feel ya NOW, one of THEM and let me be clear, BIATCH, Now time to get my hemorrhoid medicine out.. Please leave me alone if you are going to keep baring down on me like this. I told you misunderstanding now you got me riled up and I will probably regret it but you know what I asked nicely for you to clarify and you come off with this stinking TUDE! BS!

And if you want to know how far out you are take a picture to the lack of response from others.
The truth is people can't say nigger cause it's been hi-jacked as rally cry that is why it is screamed out at the top of some folks lungs who are ignorant too because they are pouring the same offensive meaning into it.
Truth be told if certain entertainers and artist would stop glorifying the badge Nigger then it would lose its meaning and then oversensitive folks like you will be more laid back as you claim to be.

You have the right to be offened and I have the right to do so, but your took offensive when I meant none, told you so tried to explain myself but that freaking estrogen got the best of you baby!

You don't know my heart, you can judge me all you want and by the same measure you will also be judged.


Well-Known Member
wow u must be real old if u got hemroid cream,home of the best chesse steaks ever shits going to kill me[video=youtube;yRkd90nTqZ0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=yRkd90nTqZ0[/video]


Well-Known Member
wow u must be real old if u got hemroid cream,home of the best chesse steaks ever shits going to kill me[video=youtube;yRkd90nTqZ0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=yRkd90nTqZ0[/video]
Not neccesarily...some people get them from being full of shit! :) I think the wiki definition is constipation though...just sayin


Well-Known Member
i know all u ladies love this song [video=youtube;n-DmAh0dObI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=n-DmAh0dObI[/video]


Well-Known Member
wow its about time pills finally kicking in[video=youtube;BDO5_dFaCko]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=BDO5_dFaCko[/video]he said ill hit u with the dick and make ur kiddneys shift


Well-Known Member
I don't believe that for a second...at least not in the manner that he did...or you wait till I go to bed!! ;)
huh??? LOL...I think you misunderstood...he was talking about not having southern in him since he quit using the word "reckon" ...;) most the guys here are yankees save a couple but they are elsewhere this evening.


Well-Known Member
is that better[video=youtube;CD-E-LDc384]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=CD-E-LDc384[/video]
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