Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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I agree 100%.. And as said my Dad many years back, "boy" he would get SO pissed at me when I would go yanking/plucking the fans off that where either yellowing, or looked shitty! He would tell me that "son" that's just "nature"!! Stop playing her "role"! Lol.. he was a nut!! Old hippie.. :mrgreen:

He also told me that the fans where the "fuel" for the buds! Just like you said! Lol...

Dad was wise. The plant will get rid of those leaves when she no longer needs them.
Dad was wise. The plant will get rid of those leaves when she no longer needs them.

He certainly was bro.. ;) He was a kinda person NO matter what mood you where in, being mad,sad, whatever her could "always" lift ones spirit!! I miss him tons!!! And I do honestly beileve he was the ROCK that held my family together!! Because it was like once he passed away, everything went to hell in a hand basket!! My brother got in a lot of trouble & went to jail, my grandfather got cancer & passed away, my grandmother passed away, now my Mother we just found out has cancer!! So yeah, its been one thing right after the next!! But hey, we can't let "life" keep us down!! We "all" gotta keep on keeping on!! I myself have two children, "little girls" well, ones 18 & the other 8, and that's what keeps me going!! ;) Them & a wife that is behind me with a "horse" whip!! Lol.. j/k. I have my "own" fanily now, and I wouldn't trade them4 nothing in this world!!!

Ok guys, just thought I would let ya know that "Belladonna" has already broke her shell! Damn that was FAST!! Lol.. Hopefully she will "grow" that fast aswell! I guess she'll have to with a "7 week" flowering time.. :mrgreen:

So I posted a picture of her. I hope ya can "see" what I am talking about.. which I checked the pic out b4 posting, & I believe you'll be able to see her crack!!! Lol.. ;)

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Thats a sexy little crack right there. Apperently she gets right down to business, just the way a porno starts ;) thanks for sproutin my pick Dank, this is so cool!
Glad the defol topic is a discussion and not a troll fest lol My take on it is i leave mine on unless theres a problem. If it gets mites bad or PM ill stripper down ;) also if my humidity is up around 55-65 all the way through i like to take out the crowded stuff and clean out the middle at the bottom to get better air circulation through them. I dont need any humidity problems especially on somthing holding double digits dry. At that humidity when the lights come on theres water drops where the leaves touch...um no thanks lol It really has to do with the hand youve been dealt. We take it in stride or give up, i turned a mite destroyed plant into the best of the lot by doing a complete strip down. Those leaves are fine now.
What color container are you puting Belladonna in Dank? If it aint pretty i think you should decorate it lol :):):)
Thats a sexy little crack right there. Apperently she gets right down to business, just the way a porno starts ;) thanks for sproutin my pick Dank, this is so cool!
Glad the defol topic is a discussion and not a troll fest lol My take on it is i leave mine on unless theres a problem. If it gets mites bad or PM ill stripper down ;) also if my humidity is up around 55-65 all the way through i like to take out the crowded stuff and clean out the middle at the bottom to get better air circulation through them. I dont need any humidity problems especially on somthing holding double digits dry. At that humidity when the lights come on theres water drops where the leaves touch...um no thanks lol It really has to do with the hand youve been dealt. We take it in stride or give up, i turned a mite destroyed plant into the best of the lot by doing a complete strip down. Those leaves are fine now.
What color container are you puting Belladonna in Dank? If it aint pretty i think you should decorate it lol :):):)

Hey bro! What's up? Yeah, honestly I was kinda hoping Belladonna would get picked! ;) Nd glad she did. Your welcome big dog.. And I hear ya on the "humidity" issues! Hell NO "we" as growers don't want those kinda of problems! That shit, will setup "mold" real quick, & screw a crop up!! You know, I really haven't had too many problems such as that! Knock on wood.. ;) The "only" problem I've ever had really was spider mites a few years back! And those little bastards can just stay outside where they belong! :mrgreen: And you know you read my mind on the container she will be going in bro!! No shit!q lol.. ;) I went today & picked up a real pretty sexy sand bucket! Lol.. shit, I use them buckets all the time!! They work great to grow a plant around a foot, to a foot & a half tall..And to beat all there only a dollar at the dollar tree!! Lol.. I do have to say I did order some "air pots" with my additives I ordered the same day I placed another bean order!! I've read some really good reviews on the air pots! So I thought what the hell, let's give um a try! ;) will see, won't we? Haha...
Belladona should be beautiful...ever get your blueberry?

Yeah boy bro, sure did! Lol.. placed a 500 and forty some damn dollar order lol..!! ;)
So I do believe I am set on my "blue" & "purple" strains lol.... :mrgreen:
I ended up getting them through Dj. Shorts. I liked the way there's looked.. ;)
Shit bro, post up some pics of her "spread eagle" I don't mind 1 bit!! Lol.. ;) kinda would like to see her kitty cat to be honest!!! ;)
Dont you get a yellow card if you post beaver shots, sunni would know but i dont think i would want to PM her that question lol maybe ill ask someone tommorow or the next day. Ill be on a bender tommorow so i mit not be around much :( but its going to be a party !! :):):)
dutch passion blueberry is a herm monster...dp is bunk..sorry but its true

Thanks 4 the warning though bro.. ;) I ended up getting the one I purchased through Dj.Shorts. so I hope there strain isn't the same!! Damn I would be so pissed!! But I did get a pack of 5. So I hope there's a female outta the 5!! And hey, if there's a "male", I guess will have some "Blueberry" whatever.. ;) lol. I guess we can all decide when the time comes.. I do know where goin have Sleestack x Skunk x Belladonna 4 sure!! :mrgreen:
Dont you get a yellow card if you post beaver shots, sunni would know but i dont think i would want to PM her that question lol maybe ill ask someone tommorow or the next day. Ill be on a bender tommorow so i mit not be around much :( but its going to be a party !! :):):)

I really don't know bro.. hell I don't see why a dude would! That kinda sucks! I mean hell, where all "MEN" in here I do believe!! ;)

HELL YES BRO!! Now that's what I am TALKING ABOUT right there!! DAMN!! Well guys, gotta go!! Lol.. ;)
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