Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Well thank you bro. Ive been away, & sick so I havent been able to take care of my other ladies liked I wish. I tell ya, all another man has to do is look at another mans work & I can, & I am sure anyone that has an eye for flowers can tell that man is sick & not feeling up to par just by looking at his plants. Know what I mean?? I went 4 days without watering bro.. I NEVER do stuff like that. I was just so dang weak I just couldnt & honestly didnt feel like doing it.
love the roses dank!


Well-Known Member
Sure wished I could work on my garden this year.. IDK how much you've heard, but I/we have bigger fish to fry now.. haha
planted a bunch of shit in the garden the other day almost all of it came up
i had some cantalope seeds that got wet and i just tossed them in the watermelon mound and they took off >.<
got half a row of okra
and zuch'z and a couple kinds of squash
and cantalopes and couple different water melons
but i planted them along the tree line so they dont get direct sun but just in the morning


Well-Known Member
Hmm. IDK if that would work bro. lol However it will work in making rose smell good with this new refinery I will be getting soon enough ;) cant wait to make me some mint gum to help with the crones :)
hey they make an ecig liquid from rose extract that is supposed to be so pure there is no alcohol taste and its like inhaling the flowers themselves!! Now THAT would be something I'd like to try! ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey big dawg/bro! ;) whats up?! Long time no talk man. I was sure glad to log on & see that you was on & around. Been off for a good while, but now back for a week or so I would say, then off to my dream . Cant wait! its going to be great.
Not much, laying on the couch, just got through eating a couple cheese burgers. :grin:

Yea, its been a while, I just get preoccupied with other stuff and forget to come around. I'm like the energizer bunny. LoL

Glad everything is going well for you. :mrgreen:
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