it's more of an attitude imo... people are generally more respectful of fellow ppl. hold doors, say hello/how are you... if you're in the middle of nowhere (do ppl say "in the middle of Timbuktu" there? lolz some do here, meaning the middle of nowhere) ppl wave at each other when you drive by, all that good stuff. i guess southerners have a particular sense of community with one another.
americans DEFINITELY are a certain way! i don't think it's necessarily bad though... just like people think americans are one way, americans think ______ people are all another way.

there are ignorant, racist, stubborn assholes all over the world. americans just have a louder voice.. for now.
funny you say all this tho, i read a very interesting (to me anyway)
article on NPR today that showed what 10 people from other countries think of Americans, in 10 words or less... sooo many of them included guns LOL. i think the first sentence sums it up.. "america is a large, friendly dog in a small room. every time it wags its tail it knocks over a chair."
for the record, we own a shotgun