Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Tell me guys don't have it at least 50% better.............:o


Well-Known Member
Haha im hoping so!!! Her internodes are so compact and close and also the new growth looks as if i got 3 new leaf sets coming in right now... it looks Nuckin Futs!!!!


Well-Known Member
He's a dang nut ;););)
still no Dankie...hey Dank...I got that can beside me from the other day right? yeah..THAT can! haha
I'm gonna whoop yo ass if you don't speak up mr lol j/k ;)


Well-Known Member
Today was the best. Wow I fucked like she stole my car. Twice :hump: and merry early Christmas to me.
Order Inventory:
Product: Rare Dankness Seeds 4 Corners
Options: Regular Cannabis Seeds - 12 seeds
Quantity: 1
Product Code: RARE75
Price: $

Product: G13 Labs Seeds Blue OG
Options: Feminized Cannabis Seeds - 05 seeds
Quantity: 1
Product Code: G13239
Price: $

Product: FEMINIZED UFO #1 World of Seeds Legend Collection Skunk 47
Quantity: 1
Product Code: FEMINIZED UFO #1
Price: $0.00

Product: FEMINIZED UFO #2 DNA Genetics Seeds Sharksbreath
Quantity: 1
Product Code: FEMINIZED UFO #2
Price: $0.00

Product: FEMINIZED UFO #3 Reserva Privada Cole Train
Quantity: 1
Product Code: FEMINIZED UFO #3
Price: $0.00

Product: Humboldt Seed Organization Purple Trainwreck
Quantity: 1
Product Code: XMAS PROMO
Price: $0.00

Product: Cali Connection Seeds Green Crack
Quantity: 1
Product Code: XMAS PROMO
Price: $0.00

Product: Reserva Privada Silver Kush
Quantity: 1
Product Code: XMAS PROMO
Price: $0.00

Product: DNA Genetics Seeds Kosher Tangie
Quantity: 1
Product Code: XMAS PROMO
Price: $0.00

Product: BC Bud Depot Seeds Girl Scout Cookies
Quantity: 1
Product Code: XMAS PROMO
Price: $0.00

Product: Dinafem Seeds DinaChem
Quantity: 1
Product Code: XMAS PROMO
Price: $0.00

Product: T H Seeds Sage 'n' Sour
Quantity: 1
Product Code: XMAS PROMO
Price: $0.00

Product: G13 Labs Free Seeds Xmas Special
Quantity: 1
Product Code: G13139
Price: $0.00

Product: Rare Dankness Ft Collins Cough Trainwreck Haze
Quantity: 5
Product Code: RAR975
Price: $0.00
Yup, I got the x-mas promo aswell. ;)


i didnt think about posting the pics in here but here is my thread on my WW after tplant so far and Dankster you still dont owe me your left nut bahahaha check her out please !!! happy growing/farming :D :D :D
Hell, I don't mind if you even post pictures of her here bro. ;) Go 4 it..

How's everybody doing? Haven't been over this way in a minute...not even gonna TRY to get caught up...:lol:
Doing good. ;) Thanks 4 asking. How you doing :??: :( Why aren't you goin try & catch up on my thread :??: Don't I post good enough updates, and take good pictures :??: I will fix any issues to make it more interesting if you'd like :??: haha.. ;)

Hey...I STARTED to try and quickly decided it was more than I could handle :lol:
Been SICK...been BUSY!! But life is GOOD!! :) How are you Rosey?
Don't let that stop you.. Naw, I hope you feel better. You can always catch up later. ;)

Dawn This is a popular thread wish I'd have gotten on when it started i w would have loved to get a few of them beans .that Hubbard bubba bomb sounds like a killer x.I'll be your friend even i i can't get those beans.want wait to see what's next.
Yeah, its took off with a mind of its own.. lol.. Glad to have you here though. Thanks 4 subbing up to my endless grow. You'll see a lot of strains here coming up I will be flowering aswell as vegging. All different stages of each cycle. :mrgreen: So stay tuned. Thanks again, Dank.

Well, I'm subbed up for sure! checked out some (like 30+ pages lol) from the start of your journal and I am very impressed. I look forward to getting to know you, dankster, as well as the other "serial posters" lol. Great job thus far
Thanks.. :mrgreen: 2 subbed up in 1 night. I feel special.. ;) haha.. Glad 2 have you here aswell. You stay tuned aswell.. :mrgreen: May do an update after I post this. ;)

good morning everyone, and goodnight dankster.
Good morning 2 you aswell. Lol.. Its 2:32 am here. Lol. And I'm stoned as a mother fucker! Lmao.. har har..

i just gutted probably 50% of my casey jones for the same reason. Just no room over here for a 2ft wide 2ft tall plant before the flip. I just took clones from a couple tops cleaned any under growth that was extra wide(there was plenty).

Wish i had the room to flower her out as i am sure she would be a 1/4 lber if i could stretch her out but alas only way i will be tasting her essence is to flower clones......cannabis problems
I had grew a CJ out back in the summer. 2 be honest I wasn't to pleased with it. She didn't have any tatse at all, and also had more of a leaf ratio then bud. Lol. Was a super trich/resin production strain though. Other then that I didn't like it. Made ISO hash out of it. Lol

Yo Dank I'm up8) bout to smoke and fuck my fwb. I saw Yer Northern Blue that's the one from Delicious right? I grew her out before. Smells heavenly fruity and a good couch lock to boast.
Yeah, the Northern Light Blue is getting super sticky bro! And kinda smells like either Jack Herer or Tropa Cann Orange. Lol.. But a damn good smell though imo.. And looks super DANK!! :mrgreen:

Looks like everyone needed an early crash haha.


That pie doesn't look too bad to me at all :-) And that Grape God is looking great still. Don't remember if you ever saw/answered my question so I'll ask again. You still using that P3 as much as you were?
Wake and bake.. I've been baked all day bro.. haha.. Getting ready to fire up again.. lol

What he said. Absolutely impressed at your dedication for this fine plant that we can all share. Going to go back and read up on a few more recent previous posts. Noticed someone mentioned grape god. From next gen correct? Been rather interested in the strain for some time. Does it exhibit any purple color whatsoever? Thanks and gunna pull up a chair
Thanks.. ;) I've getting ready 2 have a lot more strains in the lineup. Just started a 21 rack of seedlings, all differrent strains. ;) So I can keep my rotation going in order. So I look forward to hearing your input on my updates. Thanks again, Dank.

hahahahaa you come on close to 3 am and wonder where everybody is...PRICELESS! ;)

We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas...

Yeah, that's the time I could get on. Lol.. Most of now during the day the kids are playing on the new pooter. Lol.. I have it nights..
Or if I'm up early during the mornings.

it's ok...I crashed hard! you know I was beat..and do you know those drops they put in my eyes...I was still having trouble seeing straight HOURS after I got back to the hotel! some crazy shit...

haha bet you were doing the flight of the bumblebee huh? ;)
you know I went straight to youtube and found this for ya...not for the faint hearted...damn chicken DOES run with its head off! lmao

Hell yeah a chicken will run around with its head cut off! I know from experiance! I used to live on a farm and cut off their heads my damn self.. haha.. ;) Good eating I tell ya..

OK, now that you got a comp, NO EXCUSE!
Once you load your pics, make sure they all have the little box checked, then click 'insert inline'.
When you're done loading, and get back to your dialog boc, double click each one, and when the new box opens, check 'full size' and 'center'.:clap:
Ok. Maybe I will have to get you to explain this when I'm not so blazed up bro.. if you wouldn't mind.. :??:

I tried and its saying the link is bad or some shit.. :??:

Hey Dank...where ya at? a new pc with internet and you ain't been on all day...what's up? :? kids take it away from you? ;)
Sorry. Yeah I went out and ate some sushi with my buddy, and we rented 3 movies from redbox. Lol.. Been up all night watching them. ;)

Whaaaaatt whaaattt :??: hahaha.. ;) echo.. BOOooo..! ;)

hello rosey, hello md, hello bak, hello dank :)
Well hello. Where you been :??: lol

These two are my favs... :lol:
Originally Posted by bajafox
Im thinking about cutting off my cola's to promote bigger popcorn

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]
Originally Posted by only71 [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]even number of leaves is male and odd is female unless it hermie[/FONT]

Hahaha. Shit. If they have a certain # of leaves they are male or female! Lol.. Are they serious :??: You gotta be kidding right! They are a male if they have flipping balls! And a female if they have fuzz/pistols.. ;) barhar.. Some people I tell ya.. ;)

No just an Endoscopy
Sheww. Good luck bro. You'll be A+ ok.. I know this.. ;)

I'm here for a change, what happened Dank?
Your new 'Puter get jacked?
Shit. Sorry bro. Been collecting pollen most of the day. That and just hanging out watching these movies. I will do better. I promise.

why hell yeah! hahahahahaa
fuckin pranksters...shoulda figured, all kinds of crazy comes out at the holidays!:o
Hell yeah they do. I have to admit. I did the glue thing.. haha.. Naw, I wouldn't do that.. Maybe pee on the toilet lid on purpose when I was a kid, but nothing like that shit! Lol

For real! he's been awol all day...hope everything is alright there
He's been playing with paint brushes all day.
Yup.. Me and my paintbrushes. ;)

Dankster! quit yer lurkin babe! haha
Yeah, had to catch up myself. Lol.. Shit. Look at this reply at how long! Mushed have took me 5 or more minutes to respond. Lol.. Its all good though.

Bahahaha rosey you busted him!!! He is lurkin. Get out of that dark shadow and stop creepin buddy! Hop in!!!!
Now.. This is the end of the reply. I will be posting pictures right after I take them. ;) What's up everyone :??:
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