Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
just run some butane through it and dab it on a bowl ;)
maybe im just weird but i like a head high that you get from a clear trich dab


Well-Known Member
take a bud and bust it up kinda coarse and put it in a paper towel and bump it in the microwave for around 3-5 seconds then stir it then bump it again
and let it sit for a few minutes before smoking i bet the taste is alot better something about the micro wave kills the chlorophyll taste just try a little nug you never know lol


Well-Known Member
hey folks, got the staples out and was told it is doing good. the tumor was a warthin's tumor and is benign. hell yeah, i plan on setting up my box this weekend, but it may be two more weeks till i have the electric wire to to power the building. we will see. gonna find my 100 watt hps to add to my 400 watt plus cfl lights. may just have to set up my second box i started. peace everyone.


Active Member
But i did gather some nice seeds that are now growing,i been back about 6 days i think i did conect 1 time,but just for a minute,then i was blocked again,very strange


Active Member
just pulled jars out,,damn it looks good,let it breath awhileIMG_1132.jpg

humm,it looks great,and smells great,it did go a week and 3 days without being opened,but looks fine,thats a qp of ready to smoke weed!


Well-Known Member
Very cool, doll. I'm sending you the gnarlyness. The love. I'm hoping you have the most smooth and easiest of moves. Hugs.
Gnarlyness accepted! :) from your lips bubba!!! I'm pretty sure it will be an easy one, just hitting a lodge. All set up, just throw my clothes in the dresser/closet and I'm done:mrgreen: ;) thanks bro...hugs back at ya :)


Active Member
heres my new grow,the stalk from the bud i just showed you,i put back under 24,along with the plants from the thai seeds,which i have no idea what it is,but shit it was good,and looked like old thai stick i got over 20 years ago,the girl told me it was laced with opium but i think it was jst ass kicking weed!,look how wide those first leaves are,and my big led,i havent added the other 5 yet,sativ or indo ?



Well-Known Member
Well this is fuckin HORRIBLE.... I couldn't get a hold of my new connect, so I hit up my old one.

He's like "Yeah I got outdoor fire and indoor fire"

One gram left of the indoor and sold me another 3.5 of the outdoor. totaling $65...

Just grind up the "Fire" indoor and it tastes WORSE than my premie Cotton Candy AND has less of an effect than the CC too... BULLSHIT. Check the outdoors out, It's fuckin mids... I got 4.5 grams of 2 kinds of mids for 65.........

I forsee a spark plug being shatter in the near future and a windshield will soon follow.....


Well-Known Member
Well this is fuckin HORRIBLE.... I couldn't get a hold of my new connect, so I hit up my old one.

He's like "Yeah I got outdoor fire and indoor fire"

One gram left of the indoor and sold me another 3.5 of the outdoor. totaling $65...

Just grind up the "Fire" indoor and it tastes WORSE than my premie Cotton Candy AND has less of an effect than the CC too... BULLSHIT. Check the outdoors out, It's fuckin mids... I got 4.5 grams of 2 kinds of mids for 65.........

I forsee a spark plug being shatter in the near future and a windshield will soon follow.....
can of butane $3.00
random pipe fittings $10

the look on your old lady's face when your crawling around on the floor after trying to solo a 1/8 gram dab


bird dog

Well-Known Member
Sorry for the blur. All taken exactly when the lights turned BLACK. lol
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Wow stew...I feel like I've watched those girls of yours grow up (lol). They all look awesome bro and it looks like you will get some hefty cola production. Shit man...I don't even see a yellow leaf (lol). Although I know how they did from your posts with pictures along the way, many many not have. I think it would be a good effort if you put one select picture from each week here or on your thread, so others can see all your work. If you get a chance, please check my Indoor Auto on the Auto Contest thread. I have to go out of town (Bird Dog Chamionship Trial) for a few days with horses, dogs, and wife (IN THAT ORDER - lol) and I'm going to throw a couple pictures up before I leave later tonight. Keep up the good work bro! Thanks for sharing...Peace



Well-Known Member
2013-11-14 21.03.39.jpg2013-11-14 21.04.00.jpg2013-11-14 21.04.37.jpg kc45 in a one gallon i cut all but the first 2 branches off theyre about 3' tall or so terrible node placement on all the kc45's so far
2013-11-14 21.05.30.jpg2013-11-14 21.05.43.jpg lol mcdonalds cup kc45


Well-Known Member
Well this is fuckin HORRIBLE.... I couldn't get a hold of my new connect, so I hit up my old one.

He's like "Yeah I got outdoor fire and indoor fire"

One gram left of the indoor and sold me another 3.5 of the outdoor. totaling $65...

Just grind up the "Fire" indoor and it tastes WORSE than my premie Cotton Candy AND has less of an effect than the CC too... BULLSHIT. Check the outdoors out, It's fuckin mids... I got 4.5 grams of 2 kinds of mids for 65.........

I forsee a spark plug being shatter in the near future and a windshield will soon follow.....
Uh I hope not. Not worth it bro but I feel ya...;)
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