Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
RIU does that for me... What i do to link to post #s is i click on the post # copy the url it will end in html#post0000000 whatever the post # is. lol
this way you're not searching for a page with a certain post # on it. lol


Well-Known Member
Your going to have to teach my ass how to get your link in what you've wrote bro! Don't know all these computer tricks.. lol
RIU does that for me... What i do to link to post #s is i click on the post # copy the url it will end in html#post0000000 whatever the post # is. lol
this way you're not searching for a page with a certain post # on it. lol
it automatically changes the url to whatever the title of the page is for some reason. lol
lol...it's called a wordpress codex...it automatically changes the URL into a readable named link...


Well-Known Member
And check this....the guy who fucked up the server didn't just give everyone admin rights he opened the whole damn system...ON A MEDICAL WEBSITE....when they catch him he's gona be buried under a prison, not in it...lol...hippa laws are not to be fucked with....and I just spent 20 minutes talking to cops stoned outa my head because of this...he copied an autopsy report on a shooting that happened about a week ago!!!!???? not to mention he unlocked port 8080...for those of you not computer savy, that's a hackers dream....they can walk in and steal/copy any info you think you have hidden, as well as tel-net into the server itself....easy enough to fix, but now my old boss is in deep shit for hiring this guy...I told him to let me pick my replacement, it was in my last report....so now he's talking to the cops, and I hope he isn't implicated in anything, cuz damn....just for association he could be in big trouble..


Well-Known Member
is this kinda comparable to a reverse DNS lookup but for published pages?
Well kinda but a DNS (domain name server) may just be/or not be the carrier for a particular published page...you may be using 1 DNS, but it looks at thousands to find the info you may be looking for...but you're on the right track...lol

EDIT: Sorry didn't finish and pressed the stoned button...lol...it depends on whether that specific DNS has "that" info "cached" somewhere or not... Damn I gotta smoke something after all those cops...talk about a buzz kill...


Well-Known Member
Well kinda but a DNS (domain name server) may just be/or not be the carrier for a particular published page...you may be using 1 DNS, but it looks at thousands to find the info you may be looking for...but you're on the right track...lol

EDIT: Sorry didn't finish and pressed the stoned button...lol...it depends on whether that specific DNS has "that" info "cached" somewhere or not... Damn I gotta smoke something after all those cops...talk about a buzz kill...
And by the "stoned button"...it means I need to get high, to finish my thoughts...lol...as you can tell I usually put an ellipsis at the end of my post...and in between...and everywhere...lol...I love em'...lol...


Well-Known Member
I have been looking for reverse osmosis water for my hydroponic setup at local grocery store, all I find is purified water. anyone know if this is the same thing?


Well-Known Member
I use distilled in those huge jug meant for water coolers. I shove an inch hose in there and siphon it out like it was gasoline. I get like 20l for $5. Not the cheapest, but my taps 450ppm of 99% garbage so I gotta do it to keep the girls happy.

On an aside, I forgot to close my jars last night, got way to stoned forgot and passed out :( I don't think I effected it too badly but we'll see. It wasn't the greatest to begin with.


Well-Known Member

Here comes the rooster.. ;)

Good morning guys/gals. Just thought I would jump on, check pm's, and thread & post a few pictures I snapped off last night before the lights went off.

*Note. If you see the bags on a few cola's, that is just where I did some selective pollination is all.. :mrgreen:

Going to dust them again today, and spray with water to prevent cross pollination.



Well-Known Member
yea the lonely solider i got is just a problem plant lmao... if its nto 1 thing its another if its not 2 things its 3 more its an expirment run with this plant. im still awaiting my sproutings from my other seeds. i got to rig up pmy setup in my closet and i think my next run will be better
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