Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Obviously you are NOT subscribed to my grow journal............ otherwise you would know that he just posted.


Well-Known Member
Oh the up tight BITCH. good riddance. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAH She was BARELY a character. lol
Shame on you!! She had a kid bro.. :( Now the kids goin end up in a home.. Poor little Brock.
I guess Jane was better 4 Jessie :??: Talking bout good riddance! Haha.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Get him Dank!!!! LOL
yeah, I wonder what the heck happened to her kid?????
man, I'm dreading the finale...I'll definitely need some beer for that one :(


Well-Known Member
you wonder what happened to jane????? She choked on her vomit in bed with jesse high on heroine. then her dad caused a midair collision with 2 planes..... you don't remember that? the whole season they were showing some random scenes that made no sense. lol


Well-Known Member
I remember...Jesse was crazy about her...then Walt told him he basically let her die...omg...that was horrible..
why did he have to tell him that?????


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Well-Known Member
I remember...Jesse was crazy about her...then Walt told him he basically let her die...omg...that was horrible..
why did he have to tell him that?????
he didn't know what to do. if you watch it he was crying after she died.

He was trying to scare him into thinking he was more of a bad ass than he really was.


Well-Known Member
the google thingy...LOL
I know he cried, I know all of that...but to hurt Jesse like that...
it just broke my fuckin heart!!!!


Well-Known Member
oh ok...well I'm on my laptop...my phone won't let me type at all. Sometimes the typewriter box comes up and goes right back down again lol
other times it just won't let me do SHIT! fuckin windows phone...even downloaded google chrome to see if that would work..it did for about 5 min
then the same shit!!! ugh...so no RIU on Rosey's windows phone...I can read all day long, I just can't post :(


Well-Known Member
well shizzle...I'm pooped...I'm gonna hit the hay man. Shoulda already...
I'll see you guys around sometime tomorrow..got a visit with my daughter and the grandkids sometime tomorrow evening
so I can see them before I go home two hours away :( I love it there...just so far from them :(


Well-Known Member
Hi, fairly new here, so forgive me. Dankster, you are making crosses of strains, but you know you need to grow out the crosses, make some selections of the traits you want, back-cross, inbreed etc. before the "new" strain is considered stable? Depends how many phenos you want. Anyway just seeing how far you want to take this.
sorry to bust your bubble pal. but danks go this covered!
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