Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Check out Page 54 of Dreaming Big..... new stuff i was told is OKAY to get for flowering. Shit's going DOWN! lol

It was a very easy task to convince her. All i had to do was show her a few numbers (minimum yield x minimum value per oz, Maximum yield x minimum value per oz...) She jumped all over it. and said, get whatever you need. HAHAHAHAHA

Just the fact i shouldn't need to buy weed for umm, well, EVER AGAIN. lol that will last till next harvest, and then i'll just keep the whole thing going. HAHAHA
Well when you compute the cost in equipment and accessories against actual yield, it is surely a helluva a lot better than what you pay for on the street! This is how I explained my cost to the old man.
Won't she be surprised when the damn thing takes off and makes so many $$$ she won't know what to do. Then she will be treating you like a king baby!!!!!! LMAO


Well-Known Member
Good question. ;) It really all depends on what strain your growing, and if its Sativa (slower flowering) or Indica(faster flowering). If you wait for say an Indica per say to shoot out her pistols, you can pollinate her between weeks 1-3, sometimes later but it gets harder to do so the longer you wait. It takes 1 to 3 days or so for the plant to truely become pregers. :mrgreen:Then seed production starts and will be finshed by the time(maybe a week b4) the actual plant is ready to harvest. If you look at the calyx's you will be able to see that there swelling up after pollination has been successfully completed. Hope that helps bro.. if you have anymore questions just hollar.. Dank
That covered what I needed in order to take a crack at it. May try it out this run, not sure. If I do, I'll let you know if I have any success. Thanks again, bro.


Well-Known Member
You can laugh about it, I was talking for about 5 minutes before i realized the thing was dead. HAHAHA


Well-Known Member
Hey dank, was reading your post about pollinating , and how the calyxes swell up when you know the seeds are starting to develop. Give me a minute, I'm gonna post some pics on here if you don't care to check them out and tell me if I have anything to worry about or not (I don't want seeds). I started a thread and people are telling me that its nothing to worry about, but what you describe sounds like exactly what one of my plants is doing.


Well-Known Member
Thor. He means in early flower the calyx will swell. before the rest of the plant.mail6.jpg See how half the hairs are white on one side and the ones that are gone have HUGE calyx? that's seeds


Well-Known Member
Snapshot_20130905.JPGSnapshot_20130905_1.JPGSnapshot_20130905_2.JPGsee the large compared to small calyx. large is the bottom on in all pics. has a brown tip(amber hairs have recessed)


Well-Known Member
Okay, thanks a ton stew, as always. So basically the pistil swells up and falls off, and the calyx forms into a seed? That's good info.

I have a few top pistils that are turning orange, I'm pretty sure from a slightly too heavy feeding, and some are swelling up at the base but its the pistil, not the calyx


Here's a couple that show the orange curling pistils


Well-Known Member
normal. pistils brown with age, buds swell in maturity/ripen stage.

ps. just snipped a test bud off the spyder. dry it tonight and smoke it tomorrow. haha


Well-Known Member
Yeah Tek, wait till that lady is really shooting out those pistols, then hit her with the pollen. This way you can ensure that she will become pollinated. And I always pollinate each female atleast 2 times to make sure myself. When the seeds start "popping out" the calyx's, around a week or so b4 she finshed flowering, there ready.

Right on Peach.. ;) I've taught you well.. haha..
Yes you have dear;) lol


Well-Known Member
Okay, thanks a ton stew, as always. So basically the pistil swells up and falls off, and the calyx forms into a seed? That's good info.

I have a few top pistils that are turning orange, I'm pretty sure from a slightly too heavy feeding, and some are swelling up at the base but its the pistil, not the calyx
The pistil does not swell..... they brown and die.the
calyx swells up with seeds inside. the calyx does not become a seed. :)


Well-Known Member
I hate this fuckin cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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