Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
I was thinking she may had moved it to water, or let it sit outside alittle to long. Idk, maybe could be over nute 2. Was just going on where she had said only water. Maybe alittle nutrients found there way in there... lol


* Peach, you really should poke a fews drains in the cups from now on.. :mrgreen: if not, the roots really can't breath, and the water just sits and collects in the bottom of your container, may cause root rot.. :(
will do. Never had an issue before though:??: there's no way I overnuted her. I was super scarce with them when I started, as you said to be. So..heat..possible root rot. Got it.;);)


Well-Known Member
OKAY! Rosey here's the FIRST pic you showed me and i told you Phosphorous deficiency
How did you find that?
I knew I saw it this morning, and just went back through like pg 107 and couldn't find it through all the BS so gave up.
I'm done.
Don't like riddles.


Well-Known Member
well damn, I'm just glad to know what to do now. Thanks for all the help guys;) you know I really appreciate it. Will keep an daily update on her on my thread and get that weekly update I missed while I was out of town. The outside girls are doing awesome!!!!


Well-Known Member
I got no fucking patience, and even less tolerance, bro.
I Admit it.
I also admit, 7 pages of stuff, and no answers or concern towards the question, that's why I lose interest in threads quickly, not ADD.
Well, sorry 2 hear that bro.. Hope you've not not lost interest in my thread/grow.. ;) been trying like hell to do updates everytime I'm round.. and speak with everyone that I "see" on. Hard to keep up sometimes, but I try.. lol
Been rough round here last few weeks. Shewww. I know I'm not the only 1 having it rough though. Just sucks when it hits home so to speak.. knows what I mean bro :??:


Well-Known Member
Well all well.... What do we have here :??: confused as hell anymore, don't know if I'm going nuts orif I'm just stoned! Lol..
What do y'all think :??: let's talk a vote!!

Tired as all get out 2! Lol


Well-Known Member
Well all well.... What do we have here :??: confused as hell anymore, don't know if I'm going nuts orif I'm just stoned! Lol..
What do y'all think :??: let's talk a vote!!

Tired as all get out 2! Lol
A great big combination!!! LMFAO I'm stoned, confused and thourghly dazed so if we can't make sense of it together then we're all screwed! LMFAO


Well-Known Member
can I get any higher?????? LOL
[video=youtube;l_uh8XjgLTE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_uh8XjgLTE&feature=player_detailpage&list =RD02q8sI_ye8LBM#t=10[/video]


Well-Known Member
hey guys, who knows how to change the color of the hair on my avatar? I've got gimp, but not sure about filters:??:


Well-Known Member
just read it got pushed back a week.
Those looking forward to The Newsroom season 2, episode 8 and Dexter season 8, episode 10 must wait another week.
The shows on HBO and Showtime respectively are taking the week off for the Labor Day holiday in the United States. New episodes will resume on September 8, at which point both shows will begin wrapping up their seasons.
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