Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
See that????

I hate using the tablet for RIU, I can't spell on it for shit LMAO

and I am behind now..ugh.............................


Well-Known Member
Ok guys. Back from cooking.. While I was away, I also went ahead and transplanted the AK-47 (auto) into her new 16 ounce home. Going to let her get use to it for a few days, then flip her. Going to go with the 20/4 cycle, have had good luck using it in the past on auto strains. ;)
Thought I would snacth up 1 of the Incrediable Hulk 16 ounce cups to place her in. Hoping she will turn out like him! Big green monster! Haha



Well-Known Member
Ok guys. Back from cooking.. While I was away, I also went ahead and transplanted the AK-47 (auto) into her new 16 ounce home. Going to let her get use to it for a few days, then flip her. Going to go with the 20/4 cycle, have had good luck using it in the past on auto strains. ;)
Thought I would snacth up 1 of the Incrediable Hulk 16 ounce cups to place her in. Hoping she will turn out like him! Big green monster! Haha
Lookin good as hell babe!!!! hopefully she will:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Lookin good Dank. My BCA entry is outdoor. Its gonna be a mighty interesting contest. I wouldn't be surprised if certain auto strains start selling out.


Well-Known Member
I loved the part where Gus gets blown up then comes out with half a face and adjusted his tie [video=youtube;FM1gEZXzunI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM1gEZXzunI[/video]

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
@rosey fuck a DVR the days that breaking bad and walking dead are on.... Its like a national holiday to me. I like the transition of a timid high school teacher. To an all out mafia boss.
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