Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
If you can keep it in the low 80s thats fine,I keep mine at 79-82 and get 3-4zips per,With a 30day vegg.
I think one of my issues was the extended veg without the lighting to back up the flower. 4 plants 3-4' tall each. a single 400w. was not working out. I am running a steady 80 with the ac on 4/10. I won't drop the temp much more than that. that way I get my 15 degree drop in flower.(I like it purple) once I start taking cuts I will only be doing a 2-3week veg and then flower in the tent.(putting the order thru today and i'll have it next week :))


Well-Known Member
TOO POOR for cO2 haha.. maybe after the next batch is done. haha. Beech....Do you know if those cheapo ebay cO2 bucket things work for small spaces?


Well-Known Member
do the yeast thing, where you use a plastic soda water bottle with a small hole in the top, add yeast and water, may have to add sugar too. anyway you go in and shake it, then set it down and walk away. i had no problem keeping co2 in my last grow, as i damn near lived in the box with them. lol

TOO POOR for cO2 haha.. maybe after the next batch is done. haha. Beech....Do you know if those cheapo ebay cO2 bucket things work for small spaces?


Well-Known Member
do the yeast thing, where you use a plastic soda water bottle with a small hole in the top, add yeast and water, may have to add sugar too. anyway you go in and shake it, then set it down and walk away. i had no problem keeping co2 in my last grow, as i damn near lived in the box with them. lol
If doing this make sure the hose is on top off plants,as Co2 will settle to the bottom.
I tried it Oh about 5-6yrs ago didnt see much if any change.
The bucket, I have used before in a closet 3x4ft by 6ft high,and did notice a pretty good difference.
Main thing is it needs to be sealed pretty good or its a waste and costly.


Well-Known Member
hehe, and sealed properly can be a project :). I really think even with my light cooled well like I've got it right now that if I sealed my room and lost the passive air flow I have my temps would jump(currently 84 has been my max temp with mid 90s outside). If I wouldn't have to do alot of fucking around I'd try it, but sealing the room only to find it gets too hot to then have to unseal it seems silly. I also wouldn't have anywhere to draw my air for my light from easily if I sealed things. But boy do I want to! I keep telling myself the next room.


Well-Known Member
If doing this make sure the hose is on top off plants,as Co2 will settle to the bottom.
I tried it Oh about 5-6yrs ago didnt see much if any change.
The bucket, I have used before in a closet 3x4ft by 6ft high,and did notice a pretty good difference.
Main thing is it needs to be sealed pretty good or its a waste and costly.
I'm not sure it would be worth it then for me because I vent outside so I would be blowing money right out the window. once I get another air cooled hood and can properly cool and vent the lighting alone I may get it. I'm glad you told me this now because I was looking to get one tomorrow. now I KNOW I should just wait. you see, My girlfriend doesn't like the cost of equipment(I'm the stay at home dad and she works, her choice not mine UGH) she's not involved in the grow in anyway other than the wallet. haha. she was expecting a HUGE yield from a single 400w cause it was $150 light and ballast. HAHA I was like "no sweetie, I'm losing half my light to NO REFLECTIVE SURFACES, I need more light and a tent".. lol... If I screw this grow up as I did with the stunting last time and heat induced maturity, then I can just say goodbye to RIU and growing. haha got some good genetics though so as long as I can get cuts to root with the new shit i'm trying then i'll be PERFECT. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! What's up :??: sorry hadn't been round in awhile. Just hadn't been up 2 getting on honestly. I'm sure y'all understand. But 1 thing about it, I'm not going anywhere, I am here 2 stay! Hopefully, if I keep my foot out my mouth! Lol

Anyways, its been rough here 4 me the past few weeks. Incase you didn't see I ended up burning my ladies just a tad! :fire: looks like things are now picking back up. ;) yayyy!! I took a few pics 4 everyones veiwing pleasures. Haha.. I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know what you think :??:
Thanks so much guys! I hope you all will stick round & give some feedback..




Well-Known Member
Wasn't me sayin it. I was trying to insure the people that you were just busy. With the grow you got there I can totally see missing a week or more of the internet. YOU'RE SLEEPIN IN BITCHES OVER THUR!


Well-Known Member
Where o where could my shit talkers be :??: where o where could they be :??:

Haha.. if anyone needs to talk(say something) don't hold back.. I'm not made of glass. Haha


Well-Known Member
All I gotta say is nice looking update buddy. I finally got internets again, so I can actually check things out. I still have a tough time keeping up with how fast your thread grows :).
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