Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
yer man...had few heat issues last week or so cos of our summer....got temps down a bit....but yer coming on good each day.....i grabed base of bud so u can roughly see how big they getting..........4 weeks to go........lol
Damn dude, those some nice lookin ladies. Good work, so many fat nugs :)


Well-Known Member
He dank check out how good this blackberry cross is doin. Its about to get watered but the stem is thick! Must be because it started outside then came in. It already was super thick :):):)



Well-Known Member
Hell yeah buddy! There looking good! Didn't catch what types of light system your running on those bad bitches :??: whatever your doing, its sure working! :mrgreen:

Here ya go man, IMPORTED (LOL) fresh ground pepper.
Now mind ya, I put an unknown bagseed in the first pic just for size reference..................
And, you can see the lines on that sheet of binder paper too.
I did NOT measure any of the ground stuff.
Doesn't even look like Sesame seeds, LOL.
I think I might still have them in that bag I wrote on too.........View attachment 2733582
View attachment 2733583
View attachment 2733584


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah Ninja! Looks great bro! How old is she :??:
I love her structure!! ;)
id say a monthish maybe, i got her on the humboldt county trip and she was already pretty big so i dont know forsure. Its about time to flower her to see if shes a she or a he. Im thinking he because its growing so big and fast. If it is a she holy coooooooowwwwwwwwww shes a keeper. Couple more days and shell be ready to clone off of im thinking. I just did a pinch top so the sides kick out a bit for cloning purposes. :):):)


Well-Known Member
hey dank, if i remember right you had some garlic planted. here's my father inlaws, planted on new years and dug up on the 4th of july.

something that all good ol southern folks know. yum yum


Well-Known Member
Goooo florida!!! I hope it passes too ;) giggy, i have no idea what the heck that stuff is and i know food. If i were to guess id say bay leaf though???

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
I may have eaten it and don't know it lol. Im latin decent so got more island influence with dishes. Yeah BigWorm from the tude. Never took this long before. Guess the tude is changing up styles??
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