Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Active Member
dude just eat a little bit.. then eat a little more :)... i had a trip on shrooms and i could NOT stop laughing and my tear ducks were luck a river.. crazzy shit did it for like 2 hours... now my homie on the other hand he triped balls twice like he was on acid that shit was wild hahah, but so did a few other folks that night thinking there fingers were nubs and shit.. haha.. Just do it... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
dude just eat a little bit.. then eat a little more :)... i had a trip on shrooms and i could NOT stop laughing and my tear ducks were luck a river.. crazzy shit did it for like 2 hours... now my homie on the other hand he triped balls twice like he was on acid that shit was wild hahah, but so did a few other folks that night thinking there fingers were nubs and shit.. haha.. Just do it... bongsmilie
I just don't want to see buses turning into polar bears and unicorns trying to impale me with their horns. :neutral:


Active Member
hahah my cousin was trippin balls one night on shrooms and thought he seen a unicorn and was chasing it down the street at like 3 am in the morning... lol


Well-Known Member
I just don't want to see buses turning into polar bears and unicorns trying to impale me with their horns. :neutral:
Haha! SHROOM'sssss!! :mrgreen: Well, I has alittle something heavier then "shrooms", but there there(shrooms) are jusgt as good! Only thing is the stuff I have lasts longer, and you see a lot more on "my stuff".. ;) haha..
Watch that crazy video though when you do eat them, and also pop in some Pink Floyd for your ol' buddy Dank! Haha

Enjoy your trip bro.. I will be waiting here 4 ya on the other side.. ;)



Well-Known Member
last time I tripped it was raining, and I was jumping around in a down pour trying to get wet, then the vacuum cleaner chased me around the house. that's when I decided I didn't need to do it anymore.


Well-Known Member
i never had trips like that, all i see are the walls melting and the ceiling bubbling but one time i looked at my arm while tripping and it turned into a chicken drumstick. whatever you do dont look in a mirror if you see the walls melt.


Well-Known Member
Saturday night I had a couple double coke zeros and Bacardi with a couple hits of ak-47 as a chaser.

Thought the toilet lid was trying to bite my dick off when I was taking a leak. :cry:


Well-Known Member
You know me well, lazy I am. That was my first hallucination. I couldn't stop laughing. Just cause I have a clean grow room doesn't mean I can't party! Tequila is worse, wife hates when I drink that and I'm out on the town without her. I have a bad reputation on the agave juice.


Well-Known Member
You know me well, lazy I am. That was my first hallucination. I couldn't stop laughing. Just cause I have a clean grow room doesn't mean I can't party! Tequila is worse, wife hates when I drink that and I'm out on the town without her. I have a bad reputation on the agave juice.
I only say that because I remember for years playing darts and shooting pool in my uncle's garage, couple times a week with everybody (sometimes up to 12 of us) bringing either a 30 pack or a bottle of Single Barrel, Crown, or Remy, sometimes starting at 2 or 3 in the afternoon, and by dark we drank so much so fast, we just had a freezer in the garage and that's where the beer went as soon as somebody arrived, but by dark, we'd just be going out the side door and watering the hill or the garbage can.


Well-Known Member
I only say that because I remember for years playing darts and shooting pool in my uncle's garage, couple times a week with everybody (sometimes up to 12 of us) bringing either a 30 pack or a bottle of Single Barrel, Crown, or Remy, sometimes starting at 2 or 3 in the afternoon, and by dark we drank so much so fast, we just had a freezer in the garage and that's where the beer went as soon as somebody arrived, but by dark, we'd just be going out the side door and watering the hill or the garbage can.

Shewww! I sure remember my wild ass partying "drinking days"! I remember to weel all the times I would either drink to much, and get sick as a dog, or mix a combo of drinking & smoking & get so sick I couldn't see straight! We (me & my brother) had drank a 5th of crown one weekend, and I had had an ouce of some super good kush, well we got trashed, and I got sick as hell, ran outside & I remember like it was yesterday me praying asking god to pleaseeee take this sick feeling away! I won't NEVER do it again! Well, the next weekend, there I was doing it all over again! Lol...

That's 1 thing I can't stand is to puke after I've been drinking!


Well-Known Member
At the family parties, B-days, whatever, I was one of the first to start, and it was always Crown or Single Barrel, since that's what I preferred, and brought, not beer, by the later hours of the evening, but sometimes as early as 11 P.M., I would be selected to make the liquor store run since I was the only one who still knew where their car was.
Usually I'd take somebody else's car just for the helluv it.
Sometimes it's nice to drive something diff, ya know?:lol:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I caught that on the friend list, think Nullis was going to pull his hair out towards the end. Sometimes I get caught up in defense of botany, but hell it's an Internet forum, pure entertainment, nothing more.

That's 1 thing I can't stand is to puke after I've been drinking!
Nothing is worse, well, unless you eat Chinese first. Puking rice is awful.
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