Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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You haven't! ;) j/k bro..you've been missed ;) lol

I took your advice on the kitties and they are getting a lot more comfortable with me now. The brown striped one I have named Tiger because he prowls around like one and damn near took my fingers off taking a piece of hamburger out of my hand!! :lol: little stinker..lol hope I can tame them enough. I've heard once feral always feral :(
Thanks.. :wink:

Good to hear they are taking to you well. Its not always true that cats stay feral. Some do, some don't. But the longer they are left to fend for themselves instead of becoming house cats the more likely they will stay feral. Sames goes for cats that are allowed to go outside and hunt and such.
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So I went out to the dam to find a place to catch some catfish. I found a place, only problem is it is very difficult and dangerous to get to. :lol:
This is when I first got there.. (excuse the cell phone photos.)

This was where I seen two big cats

This was a stream that I came across

And this is the dangerous way to get down there.. I'm glad I always carry a pocket knife, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten back up.. I stabbed the knife into the ground and used it as leverage to get back up.
I decided not to buy anymore. Just gonna wait until harvest. Sucks, but the crooks I get weed from isn't worth my money for their product.

Yeah, kind of the same around here. Either the product is horrible, or your paying 60 a bag to try to get a more for sure thing, screw that.

Only reason I which to schwag when I run out of my own nug is because I get it for free. When I'm waiting for the next 10-12 weeks for my plants to finish, I'll be guaranteed a gram or two of schwag a day.
Yeah, kind of the same around here. Either the product is horrible, or your paying 60 a bag to try to get a more for sure thing, screw that.

Only reason I which to schwag when I run out of my own nug is because I get it for free. When I'm waiting for the next 10-12 weeks for my plants to finish, I'll be guaranteed a gram or two of schwag a day.
I get to deal with idiots talking about "DRO" not knowing wtf they are talking about.. I'm like, dude, just cause it was grown in water doesn't mean it should cost more money.
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