Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Im going to transfer all my instagram photos to my threads. Both dreaming big and stews breeding project will be updated with FULLSIZE images. TONIGHT FUCK YEAH!
Im going to transfer all my instagram photos to my threads. Both dreaming big and stews breeding project will be updated with FULLSIZE images. TONIGHT FUCK YEAH!

Awesome!!! um..I sent you a PM earlier but I'm headed to bed now, just took some dramamine to help me sleep. Pray it works! lol got to get some sleep, 2:30 will be here shortly! lol
Not enjoying the multi coloring of the fonts.... going to go with a solid white or black with outline in white i think..... we'll see....
I think dank will like it, you do nice work Stew. Ever thought of dabbling in graphic design? Could add to your bottom line while allowing you to follow your passion.
I have some talent with Graphic Design. I just can't design anything from scratch. Not without using someone of someone elses. Just not that artistic. I took a single image of a cannabis leaf drawing and using Polar Inversion I designed that Background.. It's just an effect added to someone elses work to alter it enough to make it my own without really stealing an actual image from anyone. lol

DnS Breederpacks F2.jpg
Well I can't do that, I'm pretty much a puter tard. Now give me something mechanical to work on, and I'm an ace. Within reason of couse
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