Dank here ;) Gardening with Dank 101

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Well-Known Member

Finely got some help yesterday. :) not in anymore pain. Got some strong antibiotics, & they ended up giving me IV morphine at the 2nd hospital. So yeah, lol.. I would've got on & said hello but I couldn't hold my head up.. lol
Glad you're back and kickin' had the whole team worried. :)

Well this is about the only time of day I can get a decent buzz off schwag, the wake n bake.

Let's start tokin.


Well-Known Member
thanks bro.. :) yeah I am still groggy, and I think I am going to go back & lay down. Thanks guys, I will jump back on this eve. Hope to see everyone then :) Have a GREAT day guys..
Glad you're back and kickin' had the whole team worried. :)

Well this is about the only time of day I can get a decent buzz off schwag, the wake n bake.

Let's start tokin.


Well-Known Member
very nice :clap:
thinking same. Maybe we have a network. Coop. OMG this dr who commander guy on here. Wow. Can't people actually READ before telling u ur out of line. Find a simply funny that people who discourage other members not to grow a certain way simply because they can't do it it blows my mind I will fucking try anything skews my language I have done 12 or 13 or 15 I don't even know different Hydrocet of some the last three months just to experiment and try I probably a better lighting technology and the most people out there just to experiment and try but I tell you when someone tries to tell me that it can't be done just because they can't do it and then tell me model wine because I'm trying to encourage people to grow certain ways just irks me. Leslie at 7:30 in the morning with my coffee is an immediate well not all that yet


Well-Known Member
Glad you're back and kickin' had the whole team worried. :)

Well this is about the only time of day I can get a decent buzz off schwag, the wake n bake.

Let's start tokin.
Sigh of relief! :) are we buzzing yet?? I'm cleaning my screen then its on! :)

Finely got some help yesterday. :) not in anymore pain. Got some strong antibiotics, & they ended up giving me IV morphine at the 2nd hospital. So yeah, lol.. I would've got on & said hello but I couldn't hold my head up.. lol
I know I was worried sick..I'm so GLAD you are doing better! I knew something was up when you didn't answer my text. ;)
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