Dangers of being a smoker and having to drive a company car

papa canna

Well-Known Member
Sorry if this was the wrong part of the forum.

I have to drive a company car for work. I drive it for multiple hours per day, which means that sooner or later its more than likely i will have a fender bender at some point. I haven't been smoking since i've started the job, and as sad as it is to say, the job itself is making me miserable. I'm working 50 hours per week on top of going to classes and having financial issues is really stressing me out. It is also making my home life difficult. My wife has a hard time looking forward to me coming home from work when im a grumpy ass all day.

I've gotten past my preliminary test, and i've stopped smoking just in case i get into an accident for work. But just to reiterate its really bringing down my quality of home life. Does anyone here drive a company car for work? Does anyone know common procedure when you get into an accident? I've thought about keeping a bottle of monkey whiz at my house, but if i were in an accident that wouldnt really help me. i'd have to be able to retrieve the bottle AND get it warm before the test. Does anyone here drive a company car and still smoke while getting around the legal issues? any advice much appreciated. Also worth noting that this isn't JUST a job. It's a career, i want to stay at this company.
youll get varied answers on here people complaining about how prescriptions are legal and so forth

as unfair as that is, this entire situation comes down to insurance reasons/companies

ultimately employers are private and they an pretty much do whatever they feel when it comes to accidents and drug usage
while you may not be smoking while working that doesnt matter to insurance companies and never has. youre driving something that could kill people, same with heavy machinery

you can either find new employment , or you can not smoke and stick with this job until you are able to

if you believe this is a career for you , than sadly you will have to just set your priorities right until they change the laws, or until you retire and can smoke freely.
So if you're in any kind of wreck, they pee test you?
any accident that involves heavy machinery such as plant (milling, construction) etc, driving like big rig trucks, and school busses will pee test you during employment randomly (school bus) OR, after an accident
the insurance companies need to asses all options, if it is found the employee has drugs in their system, than the company can lay the blame essentially on the employee not the machinery faulted.
and than the employee can than be fired.

it literally all comes down to machinery faults, insurance and companys policy
Keep a dehydrated urine kit on hand.

Then you can smoke all you want.
Also as mentioned earlier, Don't wreck. Just try hard while driving (since it's your god damn job anyways) and you should be fine.
May the odds be ever in your favor.

I get monkey flasks, they are pretty much the same thing. the problem is that no matter how much attention you pay the issue isn't always me as the driver (though I do err, as humans do) the issue more often than not is every other dipshit who can't be bothered to even look at the road. It seriously makes me want to vomit how often I peer into other vehicles to see people staring into their laps on the phones. My only issue with the synthetic urine is that I can't keep it on me at work. It's just unrealistic to be able to keep it on me when I need it. I have one at home, but im not sure if thats going to cut it or not. If I get into an accident, my boss might tell me to go to the clinic right then and there. I highly doubt i would be able to go home and get the flask.
You could start wearing a fanny pack and keep the flask in there at all times. I've noticed that people tend to make so much fun of us pack wearers, they don't even think to question what's inside. Here's me with mine...


I bet the last question you have right now is what's in my FP...
You could start wearing a fanny pack and keep the flask in there at all times. I've noticed that people tend to make so much fun of us pack wearers, they don't even think to question what's inside. Here's me with mine...


I bet the last question you have right now is what's in my FP...

not only would I not want to look goofy till the end of time, my work places takes appearance quite seriously, i wouldnt be able to keep one on me even if i wanted to. I like the brain storming though.
pot smoking or not, if i kill someone in an accident i'll probably go to prison anyways.
Dumb response. Not necessarily you will. It has to be determined that it was your fault; however you very likely will lose your job if you test positive even if found faultless. I used to be management at a public/tax funded educational institution; any accident involving a moving violation by either party, our employee was mandatory drug tested if they were driving a company vehicle. If our vehicle was meant for transportation as in a school bus, sports or other function, driver was tested even for a fender bender. Positive, you lose your job; regardless of what the municipal or state laws conclude about your innocence.