Not yet, but I am about to try for my 2022/2023 outdoor Southern Hemisphere grow.
I am going to collect Dandelions from our local common this weekend - flowers, stems, roots and all. Folks have asked for help to eradicate them as they are encroaching on other indigenous plants.
I'll also be visiting and culling a Nettle patch I've seen locally on my cycle ride.
I've harvested Bull Thistle from my garden already.
That is soaking in
- a 20 litre drum
- snap on lid
- dechlorinated water
- a litre of lactobacillus brew
- a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses
- a handful of earthworm castings/vermicompost.
The lacto and microbes absolutely destroyed the thistle - within 24 hours the broad fresh green leaves turned into clumps of brown rotting gunk. The liquid is too dark for light to penetrate after a week.
I am going to add the dandelion and nettles to that withes' brew, and let it soak for a month or so.
I give it an aggressive whirly stir every morning to bubble it up and aerate a little.
Before I feed, I'll dilute the end result to the point where the liquid is transparent ... still with colour, but dilute enough to see through.
What's important about my feeding is that my soil is 3 year-old living soil packed with microbes, and a 4 inch layer of light compost mulch.
So when I pour and top dress with my teas and ferments, they sit and filter through an activated mulch layer where they are broken down by the topsoil microbes before the mixtures get down to reach my plant's roots.