Damping off ???!! Please help!


Active Member
Hi some of the plants in my room are wilting while others aren't.
The wilted ones are the ones with brownish parts of stalk which is thinner than the rest of the stalk.

These symptoms sound like they're damping off?

Please see the pictures any advice Is. Priceless..

Is there any treatment. which can keep these babies alive

Will this spread to my other healthy plants?

Plants still seem to be growing although new growth is yellowish.



Well-Known Member
Hey bro
They dont seem good...
I c u use hydro...
Whats your ph and ppm(e/c) ? I think some burn and ......
Plz take better pics


Active Member
sorry about the quality of camera. Plants are 3 weeks from seed. in nft EC 1.2 staying stable. PH 6.

From recent research, mixing table spoon 3% hydrogen peroxide in quater Ltr of water and spraying plants will help ?? Can any one back this?

Also sprinkle cinamon on top of the rockwool?

Have you had problems with damping off before?


Active Member
Other plants in the same system using same nutes seem to be fine and healthy. All together there are 30 seedlings.. I can afford to lose a like maybe the four worst affected.. but need to prevent it from spreading to all the plants!!


Well-Known Member
Are you using H2O2 ? looks like symptoms of rotting setting into the roots and will eventually affect all of them.


Well-Known Member
Yes but get 17.5% min grade and use every 4 days. 17.5% mix at 40:1 , 35%grade mix at 80:1 or 50%grade mix at 100:1, get it asap. You will notice a big difference.
Dont use 3% it wont last and will cost you a fortune due to the amount needed.


Active Member
Repect to u buds. Jus covered tops of the rockwool will sprinkles of cinnamon powder.. I figured why not supposedly it can't do any harm and has helps many people from damping from what iv read.

Went to the shop before I read your reply and bought 6% h2o2 from the chemist.Will keep your advice in mind for when I run out.. Cost two pound for 200ml.. will put a teaspoon in 500ml of water and spray all the plants.. would this be ok? Correct mix? Spray whole plants including leaves and stalk?

Also my nft tanks have about 60l of nute solution how much of the 6% should I add to the res? Or shouldn't I?

Thanks again my man


Well-Known Member
you don't want to spray your plants with h2O2...you use h2O2 in your nutrient solution to give added oxygen to the roots and to kill off algae/rootrot...if you have having this much of an issue this early on with a hydro system and are asking such noob questions, not to be a dick, but you really need to read up more man...you don't just plant marijuana in hydro and expect it to grow properly if you don't know what you are doing...thats what soil is for ;)

https://www.rollitup.org/dwc-bubbleponics/395409-idiots-guide-dwc.html <-- same principles apply ;)


Active Member
I am just asking for confirmation on advice I have been given from other on forums.. this is the only way I can research.

I was told to mix 3% h2o2 in quarter Ltr of water and spray.. Is this bullsh"" then?

From using the formula 10*v/c v=volume of res c=concentration of h2o2
I assume from a 60l reservoir to add 100ml or 6% h2o2 can u back this up mr professional?

I have read up loads on hydro.. But u have to understand the web is full of contradicting info cos there are too many people giving advice that shouldn't be..

Truth is, I am a noob and can only learn through trial and error but I prefer to ask the experts and to ensure I don't fuck it all up and end up being out of pocket.
After all.. What is this forum for?


Well-Known Member
You shouldnt have to do a TON of research, from what I can tell there are the basics that will work if you follow them closely. I am just starting on my first grow so i may be way off...

keep your Ph at 5.8 for hydro 6.5 for soil

keep your air temp around 20 degrees celcius

medium temp around 22

ppm under 500 for first week than slowly climb to 800 and eventually to 1200 if your plants can handle it

let your soil become very close to dry before rewatering and give them decent soak but not waterlog

grow in a proper medium that allows air to move through and still hold a good amount of water, this will allow a 20% runoff without overwatering to leach out extra unused nutes

put a good amount of light on the plants, follow a chart to find proper distances and dont undershoot the lighting, MH for veg and HPS for flower

16/8 light cycle for veg and 12/12 for flower

keep the air moving and bring in fresh air for CO2 and oxygen

humidity levels should be kept down to avoid mold, 60% is good for veg and 40% is good for flower 90+ if rooting fresh clones

use clean water with low sodium and chlorine content, always make sure its at the right Ph, dont just use it straight from the tap

Now maybe I'm wrong and I really hope that I'm not, but from what ive read this is pretty much the proven way to grow so if you follow it very closely you should have a good result. Is there anything else that should be included there? that doesnt take alot of research and even an "idiot" can find that info with some effort. I think the trouble is people try to cut corners and dont follow that closely, I am on day 10 and already fucked up a bit by having my lights too far from seedlings, now they are stretch and floppy


Well-Known Member
I guess my point is you cant expect a first time grower to know the cures to all the deseases as you dont really go into a grow with the anticipation that your plants are going to want to die and your going to have to fight off deseases the whole time, I am going into this hoping if i follow the guidelines I explained above i will be able to pull off a grow without having to constantly battle pests or molds or deficiencies