Damp soil but plants are limp


Well-Known Member
Something happened to my outdoor plants over the last three days and I do not know what.
The soil is damp but my plants are limp and wilting.

What have I done?

1. About 5 days ago I gave a foliar feeding using 1 teaspoon of OceanSolution PURE in 1 litre of water.

2. 3 days ago, I noticed that the ph of my soil is between 6.5 and 7. This is just composted garden soil. To slowly adjust the soil I used 4 tablespoons of epsom salts and 2 cups of vinegar in 2 gallons of water. Maybe I used a bad recipe and the vinegar killed the roots?

3. The plants were on a brown patio deck. Maybe too hot from the sun? Plants have now been moved.

Hopefully they recover.

Inside of that pot is drier than you think, compounded by extreme heat you get that. Get that sucker wet but not run-off
Best thing to do most of the time is stop watching so much. We do one thing then we try to counter it with something else. It messes everything up. That soil ph is fine. A decent soil will do most the buffering for you.

Looks thirsty to me. If your on the west coast it’s been hot AF. I transplanted a into 10gallon from 5 and I’m watering more

Is it in the ground or a pot?
What kind of soil is it in?
I remember your other post but you didn't mention that you used 2 cups of vinegar in 2 cups of water.

How did you measure your pH? Runoff is not accurate. 6.5 is perfectly fine and doesn't require any drastic measures to try and lower it. Also, plants can take a significant amount of heat as long as you keep them hydrated.
Wow 2 cups of vinegar will kill most plants/weeds/ants etc.
Flush it out maybe? Thats a tough one.