damn one of my plants got blowed over.

lil austin

we had some high winds an some pretty hard rain an i jus went to check on it an it was bent at the base an was layin down.

lil austin

you'd be surprised. :wink:

as long and nothing actually ripped or broke it should be ok.
nothing is broke its jus bent. i was ah bit upset when i went to check on it an seen it like that. so your sayin i should but ah lil stake beside it an tie it to it an that will possibly work?

lil austin

i jus went an got it an brought it in to take ah closer look an it was ripped at the base so i guess there is no hope for it. :(


New Member
i had a seedling that was entering vegetative growth....and it bent/half-snapped at the base of the main stem

this was before I put my plants in the ground...i had them in containers and brought them in on cold nights

anyway, put some tape around the base and it has come back very strong :)

lil austin

i got mad an jus ripped it out the pot. didnt feel like messin with it it had already started to wilt anyways an i thought there was no hope for it so i jus gave up on it. but i still got one going


Active Member
Yes stake her up anyways man.... MJ is tuffer than one might realise, she might surprise you... I used to train my plant to grow sideways in the bush, broke a few here and there... just left em be and they survived!


Active Member
Oooops! I didnt read far enough into the thread... next time IF this happens give her a chance and wait for a min...there is also a tape you can use for plants... lightly wrap the broken area and a few days later it should be healed