Damn mealy bugs man!! :'(


Active Member
So I just now realized I have and had these lil white fuckers in my plant..mealy bugs have been sucking the juices out for about 3 months now. Shes dropping more an more each day. I'm about to get some insecticide. Would that be a good idea? Do y'all think it's been too long or is there still a chance for her to regain power? Thanks in advance
Did some quick reading and it seems like mealy bugs are bad news. They suck the sap from your plant and leave honeydew behind which attracts other insects. Have you seen ants or any other bugs besides the mealy worms?
From what I read they can be tricky to get rid of, start by trying to remove as many as you can by hand, then it suggested using neem oil, but I’m not sure how great that stuff is to spray on buds, think it can leave a funky taste/odor, use a mixture of 9:1 water with alcohol, or insecticidal soap. Use one method at a time to see how it goes before trying another method if needed.
Have any pics of the plant, bugs, or damage?
Did some quick reading and it seems like mealy bugs are bad news. They suck the sap from your plant and leave honeydew behind which attracts other insects. Have you seen ants or any other bugs besides the mealy worms?
From what I read they can be tricky to get rid of, start by trying to remove as many as you can by hand, then it suggested using neem oil, but I’m not sure how great that stuff is to spray on buds, think it can leave a funky taste/odor, use a mixture of 9:1 water with alcohol, or insecticidal soap. Use one method at a time to see how it goes before trying another method if needed.
Have any pics of the plant, bugs, or damage?

Yes. They been on my plant for to long man. Like 2 months and I can see why the plant is getting weaker by the day. I wonder if it's too late? I just bought some insecticide killing soap and going to apply that on as soon as I get home. I'll update soon after to see and let you know how it worked
Yes. They been on my plant for to long man. Like 2 months and I can see why the plant is getting weaker by the day. I wonder if it's too late? I just bought some insecticide killing soap and going to apply that on as soon as I get home. I'll update soon after to see and let you know how it worked
Y'all think it's too late?
No. Good youre not in flower. Do foliar spray and root drench using neem and spinosad. Apply after sunset. If strong light hits the plants while they're wet, it will burn the shit oit of the leaves. Apply weekly for preventative maintenance until buds start forming.
No. Good youre not in flower. Do foliar spray and root drench using neem and spinosad. Apply after sunset. If strong light hits the plants while they're wet, it will burn the shit oit of the leaves. Apply weekly for preventative maintenance until buds start forming.

I'm in VA. So buds will begin to start forming around august. I've got the preflowers already but I already added the insect killing soap. I will need to apply in about 5 days, so you think I still have a chance to not herm?
I'm in VA. So buds will begin to start forming around august. I've got the preflowers already but I already added the insect killing soap. I will need to apply in about 5 days, so you think I still have a chance to not herm?
Yes, in my experience, the sprays do not cause herm.
Nice man, my biggest concern was that she started showing droops around mid day. I have about 8inch thick of dried leaf mulch so the roots don't get so exposed. But still showing droop at the top of the newer fresh looking leaves. Was wondering if the meal bigs sucked too sal..and if the plant will replenish and begin to gain power again. I'm not over or under watering. Maybe its the humidity since the heat serge got worse, but today she was showing an immense amount of droop and it wasn't even that humid. So I'll just keep watching
Nice man, my biggest concern was that she started showing droops around mid day. I have about 8inch thick of dried leaf mulch so the roots don't get so exposed. But still showing droop at the top of the newer fresh looking leaves. Was wondering if the meal bigs sucked too sal..and if the plant will replenish and begin to gain power again. I'm not over or under watering. Maybe its the humidity since the heat serge got worse, but today she was showing an immense amount of droop and it wasn't even that humid. So I'll just keep watching
If you get rid of the pests and give proper feed/water, the plant will rebound.
If it is not too badly spread, I dip wet q-tips in isopropyl rubbing alcohol, rub away the infected spots manually. They just burn away instantly and come right off. You can also mix vodka with watet, dilute down to less than 5%, and spray that onto the affected areas. They take time to spread badly, usually full hatch cycle is around three weeks, and the adult ones you see sucking in one spot, they hardly move around; it is the very tiny ones hardly visible to eyes that spread. If soil grown, plants can be treated with soapy water which is very effective but here that is out of question.. lastly ventilation helps a lot
I get random mealy bugs showing up on my outdoor girls every year.
Nothing extreme, but enough to create some sooty mold to show up on the affected areas.
Since I'm only running 3 plants I just squash the f-er's when I find them on the plant(gotta be stealthy, they will jump off if you're too slow).
Neem and biologics are effective if you can't knock them down manually.
I get random mealy bugs showing up on my outdoor girls every year.
Nothing extreme, but enough to create some sooty mold to show up on the affected areas.
Since I'm only running 3 plants I just squash the f-er's when I find them on the plant(gotta be stealthy, they will jump off if you're too slow).
Neem and biologics are effective if you can't knock them down manually.

The lil fucker jumped away from, an hid under the dried leaf mulch that I have. So even if I didn't know they were affecting my plant and have been on here for the past 2 3 months u think she'll be alright? Is the dropping coming from that or mostly humidity? Can't be over or under watering..I have that part down pretty well.. just those lil white fuckers