Damn...Just realized how horrible life is today


Well-Known Member
I just pulled in to my new, temporary abode after a 20 hour drive. I was sitting here and realized that my chick, dog, and grow are all 1,200 miles away and I don't even have a connect here. The worst part is... I'm here for 4 months. Anybody been in a similar situation?:sad:


Well-Known Member
keep talking to yourself, it will stop you from going insane!!!
or maybe you could make up an imaginary friend?


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, I just moved a few months ago. My nearest hookup is an eight hour drive roundtrip. That's why I started growing my own. It sucks to move, at least you get to go back after a bit.


Well-Known Member
Depends for what you'r there for... if its getting more money in the bank ;) i'd be happy with those 4 month that make my life better... ^^

As Zen said Tough it out :)

Been in the same situation, i make friends pretty quick so i dont know, guess you'll make friends soon :D