Damn gnats and springtails.


Active Member
Aalllrrriiighhhtty theeen.......
Well I guess it's my turn to post a problem.. Just a few minutes ago I was tending to my gorgeous lady and i noticed a few leaves didnt look quite right, so I began to do an inspection, I seen a fungus gnat.. I didnt see nothing in the top of the soil, so I lifted the bucket to one side to look under it, a few small roots poking out the drains, then i seen wiggling.. to my "oh my damn moment " i seen dozens of larva.. and some spring tails. Im not shy to insecticides and dont mind using them as I have permethrin, Lambda-cyhalothrin, diatomaceous earth and malathion, to name a few, as I do my own pest management around my home and outdoor garden. As a temporary action I sprayed the bottom of the bucket and mopped up all the larva I could get then sprayed the tent floor. So now I'm here asking for advice instead of giving it. I've read about the skeeter dunks, 'todes, and so forth, but I've also read where folks had probs with one or the other not performing adequately. So to my fellow ganja gardeners, what's the magic bullet to kill off these damn things? I need something that I can honestly rely on for repeatable performance that dont cost an arm n a leg. I water only when the container is light, any runoff is dried up and my tent stays clean. Temps in the upper 70s to low 80s. I'm running the infamous miracle grow potting mix which is doing great btw. Let tha flaming begin! Thanks in advance folks.


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