Well-Known Member
a few weeks ago my cat got in my grow room and destroyed 2 of my clones! smacking it around - tryin to eat them! my cat likes to go in my grow room to play with her reflection in the mylar! i dont let her in there she tries to sneek in real fast when ever i open my door! well iv managed to keep her out of there for a while now! but alb damn! my wife opens the door to grab something! this is another door that connects to my grow room! some how the cat knows this! cuz she went in after my wife opened the door! hell i didnt know at the time! she closes the door! when i open it to give my babies a drink my fucking cat has all my new clones all over the floor and she is laying on her side just eating on them!
the cat got closed in there when my wife opend the door! if you got any cats keep them the fuck away from your grow!