Dammit man had to start over and ph meter broke


Active Member
Ok I had to take down my last grow because i had to move....re-set up and ready to go again. I was about to soak my cubes in 5.5 and my ph meter is just broke....couldn't find those strips at the pets store and the one i did find only went down to 6.0.

Question is should I just put the seedlings into the hydroton?

Or guesstimate with a lil ph down in the 7.0 water?

Thx to all and VO sry mayne but heres me again with another project and dumb ?'s! haha

P.S. got some good bubblelicious from nirvana ready to grow


New Member
just use plain water for now m8, if you want worried wait, if not go for it :)
when i first started on my last grow i used plain water and i still do :)


Well-Known Member
Justanothertoker: I fail to see the problem. If your problem is your pH meter broke why don't you just get another one or a General Hydroponics pH test and correction kit from your local hydro store. It's not as expensive as a new meter, just a lot slower than with the meter but it's still better than ruining some nice seedlings with nutrient lock out. HSA


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
I've had success with seeds/seedlings and distilled water (which is 7.0 ph.)

The reason you can do this is because ph is most closely related to nutrient uptake, so when there are no nutes to uptake.. well.. you should get the picture ;)

We'll get you off the ground man. Once you get a couple successful DWC's under your belt you'll be fine.. you just haven't found your grove yet.


Well-Known Member
I think the 6.0 water will work in the interim of getting a new meter so if your gonna use tap I would get the strips, or you can do what VO said which I know will also work for the time being. Distilled will work but be careful because a very little PH down will take the PH down quite a bit more than tap.