damm neighbor asked me for ganja


Well-Known Member
Well i have like 8 flowering plants about 2 weeks in, and 3 mother plants. I smoke in my Apartment but i try and limit it, but i guess not enough.

I was walking up to my building and my neighbor walked by, stopped turned around and was liike " hey man u smoke alot of pot, can u get me a quater"

i was just like uhh maybe i dunno man. I told him i have my medical marijuana card (which i have a appt tom to get it) and he had no idea what that was.

Im kind of nervous right now with all my plants, i mean i dont want to risk anything.

What would yall do?? just ignore him, hook him up? i dunno man im almost freakin out.



Well-Known Member
i find you should always be friendly with your neighbours as a general rule, because when your not at home its better to know hes a friend who'l giva shit if ur place is gettin robbed, plus whats it gunna hurt hookin this guy up?
wait til your crops done then hook him up would be my advise :lol:
i find you should always be friendly with your neighbours as a general rule, because when your not at home its better to know hes a friend who'l giva shit if ur place is gettin robbed, plus whats it gunna hurt hookin this guy up?
wait til your crops done then hook him up would be my advise :lol:
But you have to be careful about what kind of neighbor he is. If you hook him up, is he going to be at your place every few days asking for more? Is he going to start coming over to "hang out" just so he can smoke your shit? Or will he be cool about it, thank you for hooking him up, and be a "normal" neighbor, maybe only coming by once in a blue moon when he can't get it from his regular?
Fine line here, brother. It can swing either way. Whatever you do, just be careful.


Well-Known Member
Whats the big deal? my neibor did the same thing..............asked me if I smoke.........and I was like yeah............he said me too, so I brought down a blunt and we smoked it:leaf::leaf:.............wouldn't you do the same thing if you smelled maryjane smoke coming from nextdoor..................go over and have a session:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
But you have to be careful about what kind of neighbor he is. If you hook him up, is he going to be at your place every few days asking for more? Is he going to start coming over to "hang out" just so he can smoke your shit? Or will he be cool about it, thank you for hooking him up, and be a "normal" neighbor, maybe only coming by once in a blue moon when he can't get it from his regular?
Fine line here, brother. It can swing either way. Whatever you do, just be careful.
the guy is an adult im sure he can meet aquintances make friendly with them yet keep em at a distance, its just weed man i kno u dont wana fuck up ur grow op but just chill and get back to him in a few weeks and ask him if he still wants a bita smoke..

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
hmmmm. Depends. I had a very close friend smoke with me one day and I said to him " Wow you know these buds have never even seen a bag yet?" he was quite shocked. Turns out he grew it, no big deal. The point is he wasn't willing to share the info that I soon discovered. Depends on how much you want your neighbor to know. I wish we lived in a world we could all share smoke without the fear of being prosecuted.... Some day.


Well-Known Member
kill em,.,.,.,jk.,.,.,.,if you dont know em,u dont know him.,.,i dont do buisness with strangers,even if they have candy.,.,


Well-Known Member
f that .. dont tell him anything.. you may come back to your apt being vandalized.. it could cost you everything. including your freedom.. tell him he must be smelling another apt.. is it worth the chance .. hell no


New Member
i really don't know man depends about how you feel about him, you want your neighbours on your side as they are usually the reason people get caught, do you think he knew because of the smell or some chinky eyes?:lol:


Well-Known Member
dammmmmm im really liking the responds i got from this one, but alright he came and knocked on my door, bc i told him iwas just chillin watchin the bears packers game. We had a few beers, we watched the game but i dnt have any smoke right now and turns out he smokes schwaggggg. but i mean hes cool, gets drunk easily i could tell he was stumbling out of here haaha.

But i have a 70 pound doberman pinscher so robbing me was the last of my worries, plus i moved here a while ago and i still barley no anybody...honestly all i no is a few peiople outside my work and one is a dispensary owner so im gooooooood hhaha.

But i will burn a joint with him or somethen whenever i have smoke, but he said i reeek the place up so thats nnottt gooood at all. I gotta start runnin the carbon filter full power again.

but thanks for all the responses i apperciate it alot guys. but i need to go get some tangerine kush now, and smoke right next to my carbon filter haha.

later bros


Well-Known Member
but on the good side, i no all 3 of my neighbors and the apt he stays at was the apt i was worried the most about getting caught growing bc they have kids. So i do feel a bit safer now that i no shes cool with the ganja.

but i need to chill out on smokin in the apt...well smokin more than a couple bowls.


Well-Known Member
Damn you should use incents. I knocked at my friends apartment door and i smelled the sour diesel burning from inside and the bastard took ten mintues to open the door because he got paranoid with the knock but he doesn't grow. bud reeks especially the good kind...


Well-Known Member
It's cool that you're smokin him out.

It's better to be on good terms with the neighbors, and it's easy for him to expect that you are just an ordinary stoner who just has better bud than him, why would you be growing?


New Member
Whats the big deal? my neibor did the same thing..............asked me if I smoke.........and I was like yeah............he said me too, so I brought down a blunt and we smoked it:leaf::leaf:.............wouldn't you do the same thing if you smelled maryjane smoke coming from nextdoor..................go over and have a session:bigjoint:
i agree...we would be good neighbors:bigjoint:
offer to smoke with him first def not at your spot. then go from there. if you get a funny vibe tell you cant get bud no more


Active Member
Just be careful and keep him at arms distance! I wouldn't have him over to much b/c there is a difference of smell between smoking and growing! Oh and your doggie is very pretty :smile:


New Member
But you have to be careful about what kind of neighbor he is. If you hook him up, is he going to be at your place every few days asking for more? Is he going to start coming over to "hang out" just so he can smoke your shit? Or will he be cool about it, thank you for hooking him up, and be a "normal" neighbor, maybe only coming by once in a blue moon when he can't get it from his regular?
Fine line here, brother. It can swing either way. Whatever you do, just be careful.
Whatever it is u do$$$ listen to this man. Briliant post


Well-Known Member
just chill, he has NO IDEA u grow so dont think that he does. Just thinks ur a stoner who gets bomb weed... thats that. Be a bit more careful with smoking in ur apartment. if it doesnt consistently stink of bud u can tell him u dont have any bud whenever u want.