
So after getting caught with a gram of high mids, i'm looking at possibly 8 months of probation. Instead of freaking out before every drugtest, chugging detox drinks and gallons of water, I'm sticking to this 'fake weed' stuff.

I have no idea what people are talking about when they say damiana only gives a placebo. I have been smoking it out of a pipe and vaporizing it and i've been having pleasurable body highs and light head highs.

It tastes really bad, and doesn't smell that good either, but i am literally getting stoned and it's totally legal. I can roll a joint in public or pack a blunt in a grocery store parking lot.

I think there should be a bigger culture for these legal drugs, including things with hallucinogenic properties like salvia. I understand you can even buy the 'kief' of these things online and in large quantities? That'd be cheaper than local smoke shops.

If you don't like it, why? I'm curious?

Experiences are much appreciated


Active Member
I've tried Spice Max and Spice Diamond. The Spice Max I felt got me high.. the diamond didn't have as strong as an effect. It tasted terrible and smelled bad as well... The guy who sold it to me said that everyone was buying the Max and that was the only good one, and I agreed it was the only one that resembled a marijuana high. In my opinion its nothing like the real thing but in a desperate situation like yours I say go for it :D
I'll admit, there are plenty of things i'm going to be missing about real marijuana.

I really loved the colors and scents of good bud. As with a high on anything, there was always a different high with weed.

but like i said, i'm using this kind called 'hysteria' and it's way better than the really cheap bud around these parts. Considering i need to save money AND no matter what, it always takes me a while to save up for some nice bud (and that never lasts long)

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
8 months of probation for a fucking gram?


In Santa Cruz Co. California if you are smoking a joint downtown and someone is jaywalking across the street and a cop sees both "crimes" they are actually compelled to stop the Jaywalker because the ticket you'd get is bigger.

Fucking crazy.
yeah i know, fucking cops man

sucks too cuz most of my friends went to college in Cali and i thought i was keeping it real staying east... now i always have to hear about their new friends smoking them out on medical grade

not even a good gram, dude. and i had already smoked a bowl

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
What the fuck are they thinking out there? The east coast justice system perplexes me every day.

It's like they think crack and cocaine are whatever and weed is the great evil.

Even Colorado was too far east for me. I prefer my cities Libertarian in attitude. If a person wants to put something in their own bodies, and they aren't hurting anyone or putting someone in danger (like their own children) then the gov't should stay the fuck out of my life, my liberty, and my pursuit of happiness.

Sorry to hear about your bad luck. I'd protest the judgment for certain. Seems very extreme. What state are you in?
Living in virginia at the moment. apparently this arrest is VERY common and i looked it up, there will be at least a dozen other people there on my court date with the EXACT same charge.

I'd love to fight the charge, and make a whole bunch of pro-legalization points in court. I'm a full time student, good grades, volunteer, blah blah blah... but i'm going to take the bs disposition they do which requires probation and community service. AAAND a restricted license, almost forgot

also, as far as damiana goes, i think i'll be able to avoid the bad side effects. I consider myself a very healthy person and i think i've been dosing it all properly.

It's maddening how i can experience the whole marijuana experience legally but i'll get arrested for marijuana because of our retarded drug policy

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I looked up the laws in your state and if this is your first offense the maximum sentence is 30 days in jail and a $500 fine. I'd ask them if I had options.

Probation is a deferment, but 8 months sounds excessive to me.

You should have swallowed that shit.
i don't really want to go into specifics on how i got caught. i got caught and that's that. they found my grinder too, couldn't have swallowed that.they let me keep my pipe and i was able to smoke a resin bowl that night.

if i learned anything from that experience, it's to NEVER say ANYTHING to a cop.

i didn't get that 30 day jail time but i will end up paying that fine, court fees, and whatever probation and 'substance recovery treatment' or whatever costs. that probation and restricted drivers license is part of something called a '251 disposition' where my recored is supposed to be cleared after 6-8 months of ass kissing

Total Head

Well-Known Member
8 months of probation for a fucking gram?


In Santa Cruz Co. California if you are smoking a joint downtown and someone is jaywalking across the street and a cop sees both "crimes" they are actually compelled to stop the Jaywalker because the ticket you'd get is bigger.

Fucking crazy.
that's nuts. how arbitrary and greedy do you have to be to pursue criminals based on how much money you can extract from them? my state doesn't even pursue jaywalkers because it's "too expensive" for the courts/rmv to deal with. but we did decriminalize the herb so we try. the breakdown of laws never jives with the "big picture".


Well-Known Member
In MA, if you get pulled over with 27 grams of pure fucking nugs, you get a $100 ticket and sent on your way. Praise Jesus for decriminalization.


Best Effetcs

I find for the best effects of Damiana, and it's actually a really great feeling, you need to have some alcohol before. Have beer or two. Have just enough alcohol to make you feel 'tipsy' not drunk but so you feel the effects of the alcohol ever so slightly then take the damiana through a bong. It really really gives you a great relaxed feeling. I <3 IT!