Damaged plants...help...pics

they came back strong, dont switch to bloom nutes yet, let her start to form bud sites, she needs all the nitrogen she can get right now
i just switched last night from using floranova grow to a 50/50 split of grow and bloom with a little florilicious plus, my tds meter says 900. should i drain and put a fresh res of just grow? if so what ppm? i had brought it up from plain water to 675-750 over the week.nice to hear from you MG!
nah you can leave it alone, the grow fert even at half should be good, its smart that you did that, i assume thats the transition recipe? they need all the extra nitrogen for the first 2-3 weeks, so many people change to bloom nutes the day they slip the lights, this causes premature yellowing, on an 8week strain you want to see that yellowing at around 5-6weeks, instead of 3
thanks again mg!,i guess ill run the split nutes for another week or so, ive brought my ppm up to 1200, , ive got some reverse coming today,have you ever used it?
well i got my reverse but didnt know i needed penetrator to use it,its on the way. i still have half brown and half white roots, im using hygrozyme and thinking about trying zone by dutch masters. has anybody used it? bump..
Not sure if anyone is following this, but these are the most recent pics I took tonight.Using flora nova bloom, kool bloom and hygrozyme at around 1300 ppm. I've been changing my res every 5 days, and I'm a little heavy handed on the hygrozyme...I think it saved my ass...thanks mg. I could see they're starting to get sticky, but they don't smell at all. I chucked the NorthernSoul. The big ones Great White Shark, the tall one on the right is Kandy Kush. Advice appreciated.


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Not sure if anyone is following this, but these are the most recent pics I took tonight.Using flora nova bloom, kool bloom and hygrozyme at around 1300 ppm. I've been changing my res every 5 days, and I'm a little heavy handed on the hygrozyme...I think it saved my ass...thanks mg. I could see they're starting to get sticky, but they don't smell at all. I chucked the NorthernSoul. The big ones Great White Shark, the tall one on the right is Kandy Kush. Advice appreciated.

oh man, starting to look like a flowering grow room. I love it when it gets to that point.
some new pics i took today,


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I went back and read this entire thread, have to hand it to you Sancho, you did a great thing by just experimenting. They actually look real nice now...keep up the good work!!
fucking phenomenal!!!!!! im very happy for you. they look real good and i remember when you were tweaking the cab, i know its been much work but it looks like its paying off. one last peice of advice, its real simple too. this is how i see things, just try to get your plants into flowering in ONE PIECE and you will have success, to elaborate i mean, it takes around 2 weeks to find out you have a problem, after properly diagnosing and making corrections, it takes around another 2 weeks to see if it helped, by then you should be ready to flower and the rest is a cake walk.....also welcome to the "my avatar is a pic of my own plant" club =)
i cant help it, but during late flowering, if you think its too soon to see yellow, especially that high up on the plant, the older leaves should yellow first at bottom, maybe pick up a bottle of cal-mag, its a supplement that everyone should have handy, the reason being its a 2-0-0 only nitrogen, cal,mag and iron, so you dont have to add grow ferts during flower to keep the plants green, just add some cal-mag to your bloom ferts
Thanks MG that's kick ass. Man you've been kind enough to help me dial in my set up through my whole grow and it is greatly appreciated. I remember when you said a guy named Earl helped you. I even went back and read Earl's stuff. That guys roots are fucking awsome. Once again, you've answered my question without even asking it. I didn't know about cal-mag, so I've been adding 1/4 strength Flora Nova Grow to my nutes to try to keep them green. Now I'll just order cal-mag. I've got the tops about 10-14" from my 1000w. When I put my hand there, it's warm, but not hot. Is there a minimum I need to keep my tops away to not hurt the plants? Thanks again for your help.
I went back and read this entire thread, have to hand it to you Sancho, you did a great thing by just experimenting. They actually look real nice now...keep up the good work!!
thanks longhorn! this site is great, its nice to hear they look good, im hoping there going to strong!!
see one thing about 1000watters, they crank out lumens, everyone will always tell you to get the plants and light as close as possible, well during late flower dont be suprised if you get light bleaching, few fan leaves at top will turn white and thin and like paper, dont freak out when you see this, its just the 1000w a foot if good distance, but u still might get this bleaching, can also bleach buds too
i wasnt sure if that yellowing at the top was nute related or it was from the light being to close, ive tried to tie em down a little from the light the best i could and i orderd some cal-mag. MG,id like to hear your thoughts on which you like better,aeroflo type set ups or the tub style aero, i think i read that youve done both and im thinking of building a aeroflo type or if i do a tub style id do a double res so it was more aero and less DWC
Looking good as tits Sanchito :clap: I just smoked some yummy white shark not long ago mmmm.
Luck or the:fire: played a big hand in these bad boys coming back from the dead lol. Keep up the good work lets get some recent photos and dates if possible ????
no worries coop,my dog is the real sancho and the only home he wrecks is mine!! ill post new pics tonight and show a prime example of serious bleaching! ive tried to tie em down but the branchs dont bend easy, ill grow em a little shorter next time. (thats what i said the last time) lol, i havnt had the shark before,at least that i know of,but im counting down the days like a fuckin 8 year old before x-mass. i dunno coop, i havnt sold my soul to the devil so maybe god looks out for fools and stoners! i think the help of MG plays a hand in this too. ill post pics tonight.
Looking forward bro I will now take the lead in that race for visual pleasure and load my yum yums while I wait on yours.