Damaged goods ... help


Well-Known Member
hey russ, no worries man, forgiven and forgotten. And I've not smoked anything now for like 7-8 months...

we have to chill out though - it's Christmas after all!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't have cut all those leaves off they honestly didn't look that bad. I would have checked your watering, drainage and air in the grow room... one plant ONLY needs 150ml of water per WEEK.

If the plants don't drain right they will just rot.. (look like one leaf appeared to be from over watering.) it kinda curled up)

As far as Air goes just make sure there's constant fresh air.

Now lets say you did all that and they DIDNT get better then I'd say do a little research and add some nutes since you dont use them... I found this one article I believe it was on TOTSE.com/drugs section/ marijuana sub section... (thats not the link just telling you how to get there its totse.com..... OK well in the article it will describe what the bad plant looks like and what nutes you need to add to correct the problem... I strongly suggest adding NUTES.. I'll be gettin ready to do a HUGE thing of Hydro and that's all Nute work... So yeah nutes ARE important... I honestly don't think it was smart to cut them all down... They SHOULD be ok depending on shock. I would say they will be fine but maybe push back harvest date a few weeks. If there's anything else you need to know let me know I'll most likely have an answer for it I just got off 4 months of studying about growing haha.



hey russ, no worries man, forgiven and forgotten. And I've not smoked anything now for like 7-8 months...

we have to chill out though - it's Christmas after all!

7-8 months, ouch man, i like to smoke every day. i get irritated when i run out, because im not relaxed.


Well-Known Member
it's a case of having to wait... why do you think i'm growing my own! All my contacts have run off so i'm totally stuck. Besides, i'm really enjoying the growing thing, bringing life to it... it's gotta be a better smoke too.

I'm hoping by April it will be worth the wait. Probably my luck i'll end up with two boys...

I don't suppose you fancy posting me some do you? :-) I'll pay well.


Wow, i thought you started your crop before mine, not done until april? i got one month or maybe a little more to go before harvest time. where do you live? it's really not hard to find smoke, i guess the area could depend but changes are someone on the street you live on knows where you can get it.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the UK growing in my garage and I only started germinating on Nov 25th so I think I've got a way to go yet... My plant is only 9 inches high and i was gonna start flowering when it reached about 12".

How long do you think until I'll be able to harvest?


I wish i could tell you, 8-10 weeks after you set 12/12 is a safe guess, hope you plant reaches 12 inches soon! my babies are on flower day 28, and it's an avg of 56 days or something like that depending on your strain. I can't wait!!


Well-Known Member
What strain are you growing and how tall were your plants when you started flowering? Is it right that you should start flowering when they are 2/3rd of the height you finally want them to be?

Addtionally, I've heard of things that you can do to halt the height but continue to flower? Like changing the way you water etc... is this true?

Sorry to have taken over ur thread verdero...


Active Member
Just got home, and my plants are ok. They recovered. My guess is that i overwaterd. How is it recomended to water them grams/days?
U have pics with them in mz gallery ... looking at them nmow i realise that i`m insane for what i`ve done ....


Well-Known Member
if your plants are dry and thirsty you need to water them if moist then leave it. its that simple. i have no idea how much water i give my plants i just look at them and if they need water give it and if not dont!