Dakushman's secret blackberry garden..


Well-Known Member
Quick Update 10-9

so i pull most of the tops today i seen a few that had mold spots in them so i didn't even want to chance it... once i started to trim and break it down fresh i found buds with mold in the that you couldn't see without cutting it open..... kinda scary ... so stage 1 harvest looks really good broke it down and put it on screens buds are dense large and smelly looking like a lil over a LB... prob lost around 1 zip to mold.... going to take another cut in about 2 weeks post some pics in a few days


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I'm back sorry to leave ya hanging on this old grow. It actually ended up horrible i hung up everything a few days after my last post do tothe wether Comin in and my dry area was not dry enough and mostly everything molded i ended up with about 2 lbs of beautiful bud, but every nug was moldy on the inside. It really put me in a depressed weed state, so at the end said and done i got about 4-5 ozs from all that. :( but thats alright there is time you learn and loose things in life its all part of the game. Thank all who followed this grow it was awesome to share it with the growers who i have always looked up to.I continue to grow and follow RIU on my 3rd outdoor season things are lookin pretty green im thinking about posting some pics.

Thanks all

Look for me ill be around from now on. "A grower has no time 2 fear"