Daja vu


Active Member
yes I ment deja vu I dont know how I messed that one up >.<

I think im going insane sometimes it happens too much but I am not certain if it happens at all. I feel like everything is too familiar like i'll stop and think did I already post this? didn't I dream this? Has this happened before? does anyone have the same feeling sometimes it hard to even explain I wont be surprised if no one understands. :?:
Yes, I've had deja vu on many occasions and i'm certain most of the general population experiences at least once in their lives. I'd love to hear some theories on what deja vu is exactly, so if anyone is knowledgable in the subject, i'd love to learn more on it!
I have had deja vu plenty of times probably once or twice a month . so vivid infact that i"ve completed a sentence that someone was saying while they were saying it.:o
i have deja vu aaaaaaallllllllllllllllllll the time. like, at least once a week. no idea what causes it...i have times when im really psychic too...i get visions, or really strong gut feelings...some people are just more sensitive to the world than others.
i have deja vu aaaaaaallllllllllllllllllll the time. like, at least once a week. no idea what causes it...i have times when im really psychic too...i get visions, or really strong gut feelings...some people are just more sensitive to the world than others.

me too,today felt like deja in a way to me. it felt weird like it happened already
A theory I have is...deja vu could actually be you experiencing something someone else did in the past or hasn't done yet, but may not necessarily be you. Let me explain. Sometimes when it happens to me I know it's not something I've ever done yet it feels like I have. I think this is myself experiencing someone's experience exactly as they did & on some level I'm feeling it. Sounds weird I know just a thought.
it really starts to happen more and more when you really put your heart and creativity into things.
i get daja bu all the time, sometimes a few times a week - and its different levels - sometimes its so strong, i think it is all to do with dreaming, perhaps our brain dreaming the future or preparing for possible events.

i also think there plenty parts of our brain which aren't used in normal day to day activities and that people who we call 'psyhic' are just able to use more of their brain, survival insticts that have been lost over time?

deja vu could be a natural defence mechanism which was used when primates which we have just lost and it has become this funny feelin like we hav been in a situation b4.

i normally read over what i right to make sure it makes sense but im smashed as cant be arsed so soz if that is just a stoned nonsense ramble! heehe :D:D

A theory I have is...deja vu could actually be you experiencing something someone else did in the past or hasn't done yet, but may not necessarily be you. Let me explain. Sometimes when it happens to me I know it's not something I've ever done yet it feels like I have. I think this is myself experiencing someone's experience exactly as they did & on some level I'm feeling it. Sounds weird I know just a thought.
i have similar theory. but it is something WE have exprienced in our past lives. altho not being EXACTLY the same, but having the sleep and dreaming it comes back to our minds, something to do with the Id, ego and super-ego overlapping similar thought patterns in time?.. idk. i think too much
i get deja vu alott but i get it with my cousin and we say the same thing at thesame time alot to so i think it could be that you might just have a strong connection with that person or something to that affect like you kno wat theyre going to say tso you imagine it b4 it happens but somtimes i have deja vu like 6 months after the first time ive seen it like when it happens i was liek this happend 6 month ago lol sorry for rambling on
well scientists say that it happens because one eye sends a signal to the brain before the other one so creating the impression that it happened before...... but I think that's a load of crap cuz i have it all the time and it's the same thoughts and i'm guessing u can't see thoughts lol
i have deja vu aaaaaaallllllllllllllllllll the time. like, at least once a week. no idea what causes it...i have times when im really psychic too...i get visions, or really strong gut feelings...some people are just more sensitive to the world than others.

you have lips like a fish.

as for the deja vu shit Extra-Sensory Perception e.s.p all humans can do it its just unlocking the capabilities so i came up with the theory that thats all it is your mind have short bursts of esp
I have deja vu all the time, and sometimes its really kinda strong and freaky. I have it at least once every day or two, sometimes a few times a day. Ive had deja vu for 15 minutes in a row before (straight), I knew everything about 15 seconds before it happened and all I could do is sit back, silent, in disbelief that my very thoughts were turning into reality somehow, it was scary.

I have many theories on it. Ive heard of something a person called "deja vu dreams", and I can relate to it, it has to do with psychic powers and things. You have a dream or a thought thats in the back of your mind and you only get a glimpse of it, some ppl have more than others, any way it has something to do with the fabric of time and you can not only predict future events but u can see them before they happen, anything from 2 seconds before, to years. But yes, Im confused about it and have many theories on it.
i get deja vu all the time like 2-4 times a day ussually very weak and not very intense , but i think its fun .. i think i would almost descirebe it as a "high" :peace:
i used to have them really often,, so intense,, so real,, like if i'm repeating something,,,
the event is happening twice,, but i think that maybe its like a interruption in your brain activity that causes you a lag in the perception of reality if we are looking at it,, if we are creating it then,, who know,, well actualy who knows,, its a malfunktioning in the electrical activity of the brain¿?¿

i do enjoy de ja vu s

maybe is lucid dreaming,,, day dreaming,, produced by an endogen psychedelic,,, can be that are little rushes of dmt relaeased into the brain that makes you feel dejavus or dream alike states
Yes, I've had deja vu on many occasions and i'm certain most of the general population experiences at least once in their lives. I'd love to hear some theories on what deja vu is exactly, so if anyone is knowledgable in the subject, i'd love to learn more on it!

I've always personally thought that what we experience is something we have had dreams about. I think this because I have always been able to remember my dreams very well, and While I don't remember it specifically it seems that I had a dream about it at one point or another.

I mean, I'm probably wrong but for what it's worth that's what I have always thought
remember this,we dont truly know what goes on with the better half of our brains. it is possible that we are evolving into a better conscience and awareness