Will I finish my grow from start 2 finish with only Fluors?

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Active Member
Whats happenin nice starts don't know why they just up and died seems strange anyways im prob gonna start flowering mine here soon been outta smoke for weeks now no meds want to rip someones head off but asides from the bs i don't know about flouros man i stick to good old hid lighting big bushy plants in a matter of weeks to each their own i wish you the best of luck and that your yeild be potent for the work you put into it peace:weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey, yea soryy to hear about ur plants dying makes no sense to me... shit happens i guess, the ones u got now look good. You want to keep ur cfls nice and close to the plants i used fluro tubes and i had to repot a a week+ in because of the stretch thing is with fluros they dun get that hot so they can be right up on the plants.. worked for me and now they have made it to the HPS, which i'll use for a few more weeks until its flower time... I know should use Mh for veg but.. hey can only buy 1 light so go HPs

Latin Weed Grower!

Active Member
Hey, yea soryy to hear about ur plants dying makes no sense to me... shit happens i guess, the ones u got now look good. You want to keep ur cfls nice and close to the plants i used fluro tubes and i had to repot a a week+ in because of the stretch thing is with fluros they dun get that hot so they can be right up on the plants.. worked for me and now they have made it to the HPS, which i'll use for a few more weeks until its flower time... I know should use Mh for veg but.. hey can only buy 1 light so go HPs
Howdy guys!

We now have reached almost the end of day 8 and looks like they are not growing, hummm

Have a look at the pictures.....

To shaokenn, thanks for stoping by and to be honest, I'm deeply thinking about getting a MH abd also a HPS for flowering......lets c and let you know..... do u think I could grow only using HPS? I know it may take an extra week but I think is worth waiting.....lets c...

To Sylus, much appreciated your visit and hope to c your babaies flowering soon....kkkkk

To blazinbudsforever, thanks for hoping up and I know this was a shame but I WON'T give up trying to grow them, if I buy some light today, I'll do try them again, let u know.....peace...

To growforgood904 and to Hatfield725, thanks to you guys for your advices and cause of a litle water I have done yesterday, They have gone up and regards the single seeds site, I bought the BB and the BC on the very similar one, www.pickandmixseeds.co.uk

Once again, thanks to all of you guys!:hump:



Well-Known Member
Hey yea man there is no prob with grabbin an HPS but id wait 2 more weeks before throwing it on ya know... the babies might not be able to handle what its puttin out yea, you can always use cfls and a hps aswell, juse to be careful aout ur heat, i dont think u ca give em to many lumens so it would be good, they would have full range spectrum cuz of the blue cfls and the orange hps gogogo! lol good luck


Well-Known Member
As for no growth, dont be worried about one day, they grow, some just faster than others, u'll go crazy if everything worries ya despite ur sad past with the lowriders :'(


Well-Known Member
Sup Latin. Thought I would check in and see how you are doing. Your plants are looking ok - the only thing I can see that I would change (and you know this is my first grow) is the distance between the plants and the fluros. I reckon you could bring the light closer to the plant, or if the lights are fixed you could lift the plant pot by sticking something underneath them. Managed to get mine about 4-5cm's from my plants and they definitely can handle it, not too close mind as I had a burn incident in week 1. Ask a few more people though as my knowledge has only been gained through my first grow which is only in week 2 but think they may sprout out a few more leafs if they get good light. Will be tuning in and wishing you luck fella. Laters.

Latin Weed Grower!

Active Member
Sup Latin. Thought I would check in and see how you are doing. Your plants are looking ok - the only thing I can see that I would change (and you know this is my first grow) is the distance between the plants and the fluros. I reckon you could bring the light closer to the plant, or if the lights are fixed you could lift the plant pot by sticking something underneath them. Managed to get mine about 4-5cm's from my plants and they definitely can handle it, not too close mind as I had a burn incident in week 1. Ask a few more people though as my knowledge has only been gained through my first grow which is only in week 2 but think they may sprout out a few more leafs if they get good light. Will be tuning in and wishing you luck fella. Laters.

Howdy brothers!

To shaokenn, man I really tried but cash was an issue dispite all the changes I'd have to do about electricity. I bought 2 Fluors 59Wtts / 6.500K each / 3.188Lumens each and lets see now....Bro, thanks for your words earlier, day by day otherwise I'll get nuts, won't I? Thanks....

To dafoe23, thanks for your advice but it's cause when I take the photos I put them away a little....kkkkkkk

Here goes some updated photos.........I've also planted 2 4Way Specials today......



Active Member
Hey Latin, still looking good with the remainder plants. No need to go HPS, CFL all the way. My 300w will never be replaced (unless smashing it again). Added some more pics to my journal but been having problems trying to get IMG links from photobucket to attach to my thread. If anyone knows how to do this please let me know


Well-Known Member
Check out my grow I had to use my HPS from start and everything is going great. If you are going to get a new light I would spend the extra few bucks and get a convertion system.


Well-Known Member
Hey Latin Grower, I would strongly recommend testing the ph of your water.
For my first grow a few years ago I didnt monitor my ph either, and man I had problems all the time. I never saw any growth. And then one day I said to myself, "I should monitor the ph" and a few days later they shot up really fast.
You can get a very cheap ph chemical test solution that is also pretty accurate. I use the ph solution instead of expensive digital ph pens that also require calibrating.
Good luck and happy growing

Latin Weed Grower!

Active Member
Hey Latin Grower, I would strongly recommend testing the ph of your water.
For my first grow a few years ago I didnt monitor my ph either, and man I had problems all the time. I never saw any growth. And then one day I said to myself, "I should monitor the ph" and a few days later they shot up really fast.
You can get a very cheap ph chemical test solution that is also pretty accurate. I use the ph solution instead of expensive digital ph pens that also require calibrating.
Good luck and happy growing

Howdy Growers!

Sorry for not posting any pics this weekend but was busy!

Now is almost DAY 11 and to my surprise, my Blue Cheese now is starting to show some yellow/pale spots on the edge of the biggest leaves. Is it heat? Is it lack of Nitrogen? Should I worry?

Another thing that I noticed is that the Big Bangs started to curl the upper leaves a bit but I think it's just their genetics...Should I worry?

Below follows their pics updated for you guys to c and help me, thanks.

To oblivion3005, Yeah I know that if I went HPS I would have to make a huge change...let's keep on Fluors.....Cheers mate...

To blueberry1, the dead ones never made through the ground.....The ones alive are having a lttle problem, I think, have a lok and help me.....

To Hatfield725, Thanks for the info I will for sure check your grow but cash and changes stil an issue......

To bigtomatofarmer, MAN THAT'S WHAT I AM GONNA DO TODAY, let you know or keep following...CHEERS MAN....




Well-Known Member
I don't know what the temps are at so I don't kmow about that. As long as it is not above 90F you should be fine. If you don't have one get a small fan to get a little breeze going over the girls. With CFLs heat shouldn't realy be a problem but you still want to move the air around. I just put a large fan in my grow room and with just moving the air alot more the temps have gone down about 10 degrees and I am not running my AC much at all any more. Thats alot of money saved for me. The browning is ok as long as it stays on the lower leaves. They will die off anyways. One question for you. They look a little small, is your soil nice and loose or is it packed down some? I ask becouse I packed my first soil grow rather tight and it slowed my plants down alot. They grew very slow and and did not turn out much. You should check your PH if you haven't. Just take it to a hydro shop or a pool store. They will do it for you. Keep it up Bro.


Active Member
Hey Latin, Looking good. I have had a sort of problem myself with over heating. Plants still growing nicely but noticed slight curling upwards on some of some fan leaves. I have only just got an extract fan after 2 weeks! I was playing with fire! Temps did not really get too hot but with a good watering and some extracion things should sort themselves out.

Are you distilling water before feeding?:leaf:

Latin Weed Grower!

Active Member
Hey Latin, Looking good. I have had a sort of problem myself with over heating. Plants still growing nicely but noticed slight curling upwards on some of some fan leaves. I have only just got an extract fan after 2 weeks! I was playing with fire! Temps did not really get too hot but with a good watering and some extracion things should sort themselves out.

Are you distilling water before feeding?:leaf:

Howdy Guys!

Well, after having a few first problems, I decided to transplant both Big Bangs but one is really wilted look and the other looks not only small but also is curling down.
I've bought a Ph measure kit so My PH now is 6.6(WATER) and also added the first NUTS to them. Let's c how it's gonna turn in a few days........ANY SUGGESTIONS??

To Hatfield725, The temps are never above 90F and also I have 2 fans, my soil is lose, Ph 6.6now checked but the only thing I can't and don't know how is to check the soil's Ph? Thanks for stoping by dude!

To oblivion3005, how do u distile water yourself? I'm now keeping the Ph to 6.6....

Well, here goes their pictures updated to almost 12 Days.

Cheers and more updated pictures later....:leaf::weed:



Active Member
I just boil a kettle then pour in to a bowl and leave overnight before watering.
Never mesured PH of water or soil yet if, i did i might get a shock

Latin Weed Grower!

Active Member
You do the soil by testing the runoff water that comes out of the bottom of the pot from watering.

Howdy Hatfield!

Didn't know was that easy but as I had already watered today, will wait the next time. The Ph should be the same as he water 6.6? This is best? And if, It's higher? It's lower? how to level? Cheers dude?

I'm still suffering from heat a bit, that could be the reason they are having a slow growth....:wall:

Latin Weed Grower!

Active Member
Hey Latin Grower, I would strongly recommend testing the ph of your water.
For my first grow a few years ago I didnt monitor my ph either, and man I had problems all the time. I never saw any growth. And then one day I said to myself, "I should monitor the ph" and a few days later they shot up really fast.
You can get a very cheap ph chemical test solution that is also pretty accurate. I use the ph solution instead of expensive digital ph pens that also require calibrating.
Good luck and happy growing

Howdy Bigtomatofarmer!

Went down to the shop and bought it and now it's 6.6, good isn't it? When you said a few days later, how many did u mean? just anxious dude, sorry.....:wall:


Well-Known Member
Howdy Bigtomatofarmer!

Went down to the shop and bought it and now it's 6.6, good isn't it? When you said a few days later, how many did u mean? just anxious dude, sorry.....:wall:
Awesome! Yes 6.6 should be fine. It wont be long before they start to really grow. I know its hard to sit and wait, watching it 5 or 6 times a day. Sometimes it seems like forever. Trust me, its just a matter of time now, youre on the right track.
I do however think it may be too early for nutrients, especially if you just transplanted.