Dabbling with dxm


Liking the robo dxm at about 1000 mg range. 2.5 bottles of dxm only. My issue is that it feels dirty. I don't want a salvia high. I want an enlightening experience. I do not want to get all fucked up and out of control. Just chill with music and visuals
So you're willing to swill down a few bottles of robitussin but wanna stay natural? Not to sound like a dick,but that doesn't sound right...are you afraid of lsd?...dxm might be worse a trip since you can o.d. from it kinda easily...lsd is much more safer..but if dxm is your thing,I suggest extracting it...easier on the system...shrooms are awesome in their own right,I prefer lsd tho if I wanna get spun
Liking the robo dxm at about 1000 mg range. 2.5 bottles of dxm only. My issue is that it feels dirty. I don't want a salvia high. I want an enlightening experience. I do not want to get all fucked up and out of control. Just chill with music and visuals

So you're willing to swill down a few bottles of robitussin but wanna stay natural? Not to sound like a dick,but that doesn't sound right...are you afraid of lsd?...dxm might be worse a trip since you can o.d. from it kinda easily...lsd is much more safer..but if dxm is your thing,I suggest extracting it...easier on the system...shrooms are awesome in their own right,I prefer lsd tho if I wanna get spun
I am afraid of LSD and do not know where to get it. I am scared of the robo too. I want a clean trippy high
Ld-50 is around 30-40 mg per kg. 1000 mg is alright. But I would strongly suggest you stop taking the liquid, it has horrible amounts of sweetners, sorbitol for example is a laxative. They make you sick and probly puke. The red dyes also no fun. Skin flushes burns.. try the robo caps they are concentrated, if you haven't tried delsym I would suggest that too. Play around with the dxm/dxo conversion..and I don't know as I love dxm I don't see the "dirty" aspect but it is a dissociative.like salvia which you compared it too.. if you take away the nausea etc would it still be? In any case its intended to lay down and listen to music and think...if you want LSD but can't get it or are worried about it. You can make lsa from morning glory seeds with a simple extraction similar to making hash oil. If you want it more potent I have a thread that goes into a bit more detail called "tried clsa" sorry no link....but yea lsa is nice if extracted properly so is dxm
Yeah you're right... sounds awesome.

Op should just grow some shrooms. Eat 5 grams. That should take away your urge to trip for a while.
I am afraid of LSD and do not know where to get it. I am scared of the robo too. I want a clean trippy high
I am a dick, i cant help it... whats with the Grateful Dead avatar then man? Its cool you like the music but you should drop some acid before getting to use a dead head avatar..lol. LSD makes the music sound magical. you will understand the flow. mushrooms are great but they dont work with music the same way. not worse on shrooms just different. Music sounds like magic on LSD to me, on mescaline it sounds great but kinda warped. shrooms and music is awesome but kinda goofy... lsd = magic with the right music. Piper at the Gates of Dawn and about 4 hits of LSD and u will know what. mean. interstellular overdrive ...all i can say
Nothing beats pink floyd on LSD and whippets. It's pure bliss. Brings me to tears every time.
I am a dick, i cant help it... whats with the Grateful Dead avatar then man? Its cool you like the music but you should drop some acid before getting to use a dead head avatar..lol. LSD makes the music sound magical. you will understand the flow. mushrooms are great but they dont work with music the same way. not worse on shrooms just different. Music sounds like magic on LSD to me, on mescaline it sounds great but kinda warped. shrooms and music is awesome but kinda goofy... lsd = magic with the right music. Piper at the Gates of Dawn and about 4 hits of LSD and u will know what. mean. interstellular overdrive ...all i can say
I've listened to them since 95 in high school. Every night since. I like the dxm just not the disgusting taste and itchiness.
Liking the robo dxm at about 1000 mg range. 2.5 bottles of dxm only. My issue is that it feels dirty. I don't want a salvia high. I want an enlightening experience. I do not want to get all fucked up and out of control. Just chill with music and visuals

Lower your dose to 300mg~ and smoke some Cannabis, you'll get a MUCHHHHH more psychedelic experience aswell as a borderline MDMA experience.
Lol I prefer to be...well on the verge of insanity I stay as high as possible. And when high for days like in dxm sigma you start to lose sight of what's real..luckily I seem to have a firm grip on reality, those 8 hr trips become 12 on the delsym but its a smoother trip I like it more. A little more visual for me less body high. Smoking while on it is cool too. Turns it into a full agonist and you will kill your tolerance though