Dabbing LOOKS too "addicted"

I don’t do it or make them it just seems dirty to me I have tried them they just made cough a bunch just not my thing
I've heard this argument before, always from old heads that didn't like the "look" of dabbing. Thankfully they can smoke however they want, and so can we :). I enjoy dabs, its a great way to quickly consume some THC without the time or smell of smoking flower. Dabbing can still be very social, people just usually gather around a table with rigs on it rather then just standing in a circle. There are so many ways to consume concentrates that don't include a touch that it's really irrelevant if people don't like the torch aspect of it. If you have quality dabs then the flavors can be outstanding and truly represent the plants they came from.

Not exactly dabbing but concentrates also make THE BEST edibles.
Vape pens seem to be what most people are willing to do that doesn't look over involved. But, I have read many bad stories about how the vape juice has to be thinned out with glycerin or some other agent so that it will flow and I don't like that idea because it seems counterintuitive to real dabbing -which is the purest and cleanest way to get high (in my opinion). It's a different type of high than smoking joints, but in some ways it's nicer.

I have a Da Buddha vaporizer, too....but, again, if I set it up at a party, nobody knows what to do with it and it actually makes some people uncomfortable just being near it. One person called in a hookah pipe....I dunno, man.

I admit it. I am over involved with marijuana. It's my vice. I have explored the full spectrum of it. I like it so much that I want to share it with my friends. I just have to find a way to make dabbing/vaporizing more presentable (for lack of a better word).

Thanks all for the suggestions. So far, I like the Bello thing the most...but it's pricey!
Vape pens seem to be what most people are willing to do that doesn't look over involved. But, I have read many bad stories about how the vape juice has to be thinned out with glycerin or some other agent so that it will flow and I don't like that idea because it seems counterintuitive to real dabbing -which is the purest and cleanest way to get high (in my opinion). It's a different type of high than smoking joints, but in some ways it's nicer.

I have a Da Buddha vaporizer, too....but, again, if I set it up at a party, nobody knows what to do with it and it actually makes some people uncomfortable just being near it. One person called in a hookah pipe....I dunno, man.

I admit it. I am over involved with marijuana. It's my vice. I have explored the full spectrum of it. I like it so much that I want to share it with my friends. I just have to find a way to make dabbing/vaporizing more presentable (for lack of a better word).

Thanks all for the suggestions. So far, I like the Bello thing the most...but it's pricey!
You can vape concentrates with the S&B Mighty without thinning them.
Vape pens seem to be what most people are willing to do that doesn't look over involved. But, I have read many bad stories about how the vape juice has to be thinned out with glycerin or some other agent so that it will flow and I don't like that idea because it seems counterintuitive to real dabbing -which is the purest and cleanest way to get high (in my opinion). It's a different type of high than smoking joints, but in some ways it's nicer.

I have a Da Buddha vaporizer, too....but, again, if I set it up at a party, nobody knows what to do with it and it actually makes some people uncomfortable just being near it. One person called in a hookah pipe....I dunno, man.

I admit it. I am over involved with marijuana. It's my vice. I have explored the full spectrum of it. I like it so much that I want to share it with my friends. I just have to find a way to make dabbing/vaporizing more presentable (for lack of a better word).

Thanks all for the suggestions. So far, I like the Bello thing the most...but it's pricey!
I have the Da Buddha too. Have you ever had someone use it and panic when the glass pieces get locked together and then they end up burning it or blowing flower all into the heating element? Smh
Nothing is more addicted looking than boofing edibles. Sketchy people cramming handfuls of multi-colored candies up their rectums. Reverse Piñata is what they call it.
Nothing is more addicted looking than boofing edibles. Sketchy people cramming handfuls of multi-colored candies up their rectums. Reverse Piñata is what they call it.
Hahahahaha, thats a visual there. Legitimately just today learned definition of boofing when clicking the wrong video and seeing boofing paraphernalia. Now how can I unlearn this fact asap, I feel dirty just knowing about it lol.
I mean, where does one draw the line??

To many uninitiated people, using a bong looks like "hard drugs".

So what's your line drawn, the method of combustion? Weird flex but okay.