d.c. beard's Hash Berry and Super Skunk F1 Grow 400w In Soil w/ PICS


Active Member
Got a few more pics...tried to take a few with the lights ON for once. A couple of budshots, HB and then SS. A couple of pics of the clones. And a pic of my new secret weapon...synthetic urine! lol Not going to try to quit smoking again like I did last year. Last year I quit smoking for 25 days straight and failed a piss test on the 25th day. That was WITH doing all the extra stuff we do to detox our bodies the whole month leading up to the test. I smoke a LOT of really good herb, so much apparently that it never completely leaves my body and therefore quitting for 2-3 months is just not an option. So this time I said fuck that and spent $106.00 on 2 vials/kits with heat packs and temp strips which I think is a great investment! Gotta get a job sometime, but don't want to quit smoking either!

yeah i hear ya on quitn smoken a few years ago i bought some stuff called detox 20 bucks worked like a champ


Active Member
* I'm a bit of a newb, so bear with me....

That Hashberry a Hash Plant (Mendo or otherwise) and a blueberry? Reason I ask I was looking at growing a Hash Plant and wanted to pick your brain on how yours does.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
* I'm a bit of a newb, so bear with me....

That Hashberry a Hash Plant (Mendo or otherwise) and a blueberry? Reason I ask I was looking at growing a Hash Plant and wanted to pick your brain on how yours does.
Not a bad assumption, but HashBerry is something altogether different. Here's the same question asked by a member on icmag.com/forums. It's answered by Mike of Mandala Seeds. Here's the REAL scoop on HashBerry...

01-24-2006, 02:04 PM
"hey, question about where hb got its name,. cause every1 ive told about hashberry says maybe its a cross between hash plant and blueberry so it´d be cool to know if it is or does the name come from its "hashy" properties as ive suspected?"

"As Amber pointed out from the strain description Hashberry contains land race genetics from Kashmir.
For the record I would like to point out that all our strains are the result of our original breeding lines and many years dedicated work.
If you would take Hashplant and Blueberry and cross them the result wouldn't be comparable to our Hashberry. :wink:

For more information here is an extract from our 2006 catalog:

A Short History of Hashberry

In the late 1980's we were in San Francisco and ran into a middle-aged hippie, in Haight-Ashbury, the "center of the universe" during the psychedelic flower power movement. He was driving a purple van with orange-red colored curtains and just on his way to the Rainbow Gathering. After a friendly chat he offered us a bag of seeded weed and disappeared. We rolled a joint right then and there and walked down the street. The only thing was, that we couldn't feel our feet anymore – we were flying!
From these seeded indica buds we developed over the years the genetic base for the mother of Hashberry. She was crossed with a special male (J7) that is part of the landrace hybrids we use in our Sadhu lineage. Hashberry is not only named after the unique aroma and resiny buds, but is also derived from the initials of the famous neighborhood Haight-Ashbury (H....-Ashbury), where we were fortunate to collect these special Californian seeds."



Well-Known Member
Got a few more pics...tried to take a few with the lights ON for once. A couple of budshots, HB and then SS. A couple of pics of the clones. And a pic of my new secret weapon...synthetic urine! lol Not going to try to quit smoking again like I did last year. Last year I quit smoking for 25 days straight and failed a piss test on the 25th day. That was WITH doing all the extra stuff we do to detox our bodies the whole month leading up to the test. I smoke a LOT of really good herb, so much apparently that it never completely leaves my body and therefore quitting for 2-3 months is just not an option. So this time I said fuck that and spent $106.00 on 2 vials/kits with heat packs and temp strips which I think is a great investment! Gotta get a job sometime, but don't want to quit smoking either!
HEY BRO! i use quick fix, look it up. i live in so cal, you can get it at any tobacco shop in so cal, $20. just make sure it's version 6.0 or higher, (check out the website, it'll tell you which ones out there are counterfeit or discontinued). i have a lucrative job in construction, and get serious drug tests. quick fix comes with one vial, with a thermometer attached, one heat pad. stick it in you tight boxers, (i had to get some spandex ones) and use your car heater to heat it up to 100*, (if you can, use a microwave!), throw the heat pack on it to keep it warm, i passed, i know a hundred guys who used it too! this is for a test where they don't follow you in the bathroom, good luck!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
HEY BRO! i use quick fix, look it up. i live in so cal, you can get it at any tobacco shop in so cal, $20. just make sure it's version 6.0 or higher, (check out the website, it'll tell you which ones out there are counterfeit or discontinued). i have a lucrative job in construction, and get serious drug tests. quick fix comes with one vial, with a thermometer attached, one heat pad. stick it in you tight boxers, (i had to get some spandex ones) and use your car heater to heat it up to 100*, (if you can, use a microwave!), throw the heat pack on it to keep it warm, i passed, i know a hundred guys who used it too! this is for a test where they don't follow you in the bathroom, good luck!
Yeah that's basically what it is, except your's is cheaper. I'll have to look into that. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's basically what it is, except your's is cheaper. I'll have to look into that. Thanks!
yeah bro, i had to post the advice because it worked for me and 20 of my friends! we had to go to a drug test place too, it wasnt the cheap tests! if you know people that used it and it works, than go for it. good luck, in the mean time, green time!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Day 56 guys! Man I have to start chopping these things real soon. They totally look done, so much so that I was kinda freaking out that I might have let them go too far this time. I don't want to end up with total couchlock bud, but I want a heavy yield and I want it to be strong and have been flushed pretty good before the cut. So since I've been stretching it out as far as possible (I could have already cut em by now if I wanted to), I decided to check the trics on em last night to be sure. Well I was definitely surprised and relieved, because all the trics were creamy white with only a very very tiny amount of amber in them! They're all at about the same maturity too, because the samples I took from 3 different plants and 2 different strains all were about the same - milky white with a rare amber top. So I'm going to give them a couple more days to fatten up and fade out more from the flushing and then they're getting the ax! hehehe

I took some pics here this morning right after the lights went out, and these are probably going to be the last set of pics until I post harvest pics in about a week or so. These girls have gotten fat in the last week! I had to tie one of the plants in the back up a bit because the branches were drooping from the weight of the buds and was looking like it could break.

You know the drill >>> LTR >>> Group shots, Super Skunks, HashBerrys, SS macro, HB macro.


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody. Whew, it's been a busy couple of days and today is no exception either. Been trimming for the last two days, finally got all the Super Skunks cut. I wanted to do the chop the other way around, HashBerrys first and then Super Skunks last, but I ran into a problem...

Two nights ago on Wednesday I decided to start chopping as they were totally ready, and I had a couple of plants picked out that I wanted to start with as they looked like they were done a bit more than the rest. Of course as luck would have it the plants I wanted to start with were in the back row and I had to move the plants in the front out of the way to get to them. So I start moving a couple of plants to get to the ones I want and branches just started flopping down everywhere from the weight of the buds! Two branches just snapped. I tried to prop them up a bit to make it a few more days but they just weren't having it. I would have had to do a total tie-up, and I'm not doing that for only a few more days.

I guess I should have tied them up at the beginning (which I almost did), but both the SS and the HB have really stocky stems and stalks and last time I tied them all up so perfectly and at the end I undid em and they could have just supported themselves apparently. But this time I think the density of the buds is way up over last time and after 8 weeks of budding they just couldn't support themselves anymore. The new bulb seems to have paid off. :mrgreen:

So Long story short, I had to cut the 3 that I moved to get to the ones in the back instead. After that I just started making the rounds and the ones that were the most accessible happened to be the other Super Skunks so they got the chop first (plus one of them was leaning way over). Last night we finished trimming the last 3 SS's (6 plants total), and tonight it's going to be the last 3 which are the HB's.

I didn't really get to take pics of the plants individually this time as time didn't permit, but I did manage to snap a few pics along the way which I'll put up as soon as the trimming is done. I'll also post an itemized total dry weight by plant type once the buds are dry and they've had about a week to cure up and release the rest of the moisture in them. I gradually get my buds really dry, because this way I can store them longer with less degradation. This works out really well for the people that buy off me, because instead of getting 12-15% water weight when they buy their herb they are probably getting about 6% which equals more bud for their money. I just like the fact that I can store buds in the dark for 6 months easily with no degradation in flavor or high or appearance.

I'm HOPING to end up with 10 ounces this time with the new bulb. 2 plants were in tiny pots that restricted their yield considerably, so that held me back a good bit. But everything is is yielding really good so let's cross our fingers and hope for just 10 ounces! Whatever the yield is, it's definitely some primo crucial ass herb that's for sure. I checked the trics, and the plants and leaves looked great before I even trimmed them, so after being manicured and cured this stuff is going to be disgusting. The buds look like they'd squirt if you squeezed them they have so many trichomes all over them, and the density is really good this time too. I also got a pretty good flush pulled off before I cut em down.


Well-Known Member
im gonna say 12oz! new light for sure bro! good luck on the harvest! cant wait for the yields!