cylee's First Indoor CFL Grow from Seed!

I would very gently try to replant/bury it. try to move the dirt around so that you can sink it and recover. Your lights can kill the plant if your roots are exposed.
are the roots still growing? I would expect to see some sprouts by now. How deep in the soil did you put the seed? I'd dig er up and take a look. very fragile.


Well-Known Member
it's dark time now but earlier i looked and there definitely were roots forming. maybe it's because it was planted sideways kind of. idk what's going on lol


Well-Known Member
one of my plants is like this picture here now, but it's been like this for 2 days. the other one is giving me no news yet. is this okay? too slow? it's been 7 days from germination



Well-Known Member
yeah, a hps is ideal, they are amazing compared to cfl. but like i said in the other post, bury the seed a little more. if youre really worried dig it up and replant it root down, that will help it.

its such a young plant tho, be warned, replanting it adds a lot of stress that might finish it off :)


Well-Known Member
yea it's my first grow and i wanted to practice first so i used one of the free seeds. I'll bury it and if it doesn't work i'll just replant it. if it dies, i'll just use the real afghan kush seeds i bought :) thanks for your input!

oh and i can't afford hps lolol



Well-Known Member
OK so it's been over a week not for my seeds to sprout and I haven't seen anything yet till today so I dug them out.

One seed had germinated but i didn't see any more growth

The other seed had roots about half an inch long but it has been like that for the past 3 days

I assumed that the plant was dead so I discarded the seeds. Both were free seeds anyways..

I think the most probably cause of death was overwatering. It's my first grow and I was too carried away i guess lol

I'm germinating the real deal now. 2 Afghan Kush seeds. Same set up.


1. When should I plant the seeds into the soil? As in, how long should the root be after germination when i plant it into the soil?

2. Is it okay to plant the seed directly into the 1gal pot I'm planning to use for the entire growth? Why do people transplant anyways?

Thanks guys, sorry for the disappointment
Hoping to see better results from now on.



Active Member
I put into soil when the main root that pops out is twice as long as seed is. You can but most that start from seed prob start seeds in a seed soil for 1st few weeks, then into one bigger.


Hey cylee89 your setup looks nice and simple. Alot of people dont respect the CFL these days but i have seen some amazing results with them. I'm currently on my first grow aswell but im using a 300W CFL bulb (25,000 lumes). il sure keep posted to this thread and see how things go

Good luck with your grow dude


Well-Known Member
thanks i'm going to need a ton of luck for this one coz i'm so bad hahaha
i think i'm just really impatient coz it's my first grow and i just keep watering.
need to chill out a bit :/


Well-Known Member
lol on top below the post reply button there are "thread tools" click that and bam you hav subscribe to this thread =] thanks in advance! ;)


lol Thanks dude ive subscirbed, if you have any spare time take a look at my first grow

Happy Smoking :)
keep a close eye on those babies if you already put them in the towel. I had two that popped out about 4 hours after I put them in the towel. The rest took over 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
i did a 12 hour check and no news yet. the towels dried out so i watered it and put plastic wrap over the bowl