Cyco Platinum Series?? Flowering Nutes BURNS !!!


Active Member
Hey guys,

Ive been using the Cyco Platinum series for flower and seems to be burning the shit out of my plants. I even did a full flush and gave them 50% nutes and it doesnt seem to be helping.

One of my flowering plants only has about 2.5 weeks left so its been given its fair share of nutes, just in flowering is where she started to burn.

I vegged all my plants with Nutrifield Coco A+B and Nutrifield Zyme as my additive. I started flowering off with my plants with the NF Coco A+B and used NF Alaska Pure as my additive.

Everything PH'd to 5.8-5.9.

When I first started flowering with NF Coco A+B it was fine no burns, good growth etc etc. So I thought if I went and purchased nutes specifically for flowering it should work alot better.
Well ive used "Cyco Platinum Series Flourish A+B " for the last 4 weeks and it only seems to burn my plants. I dont really wanna change nutes this late into flowering, incase I fuck em up more.

What should I do?

I also have a 12/12 from seed going and it was going very well with the NF coco, have given her 1 feeding of the Cyco nutes a couple of days ago and already im starting to see burns. It was only a 50% mixture of the Cyco and 80% strength of the Alaska Pure. My 12/12 plant is around 21 days into flowering.

Full Strength for the cyco is - 3ml Per 1 Litre of water.
Full Strength NF Alaska Pure is - 4ml Per Litre of water.

If any more info is needed please let know,

Cheers for any help in advanced guys,



Active Member
I just need to know what the best way to fix this is? I dont want my plants fuckin up 2.5 weeks before harvest.
Is there anything I should be doing to fix it?
What is the most stress/shock free way to help fix her?
She still needs time to bulk out, Im hoping in the last 2.5 weeks of its life it will fill out, will the nute burn slow or even stop this process?
Should I be feeding her jus straight water?

Any help is really appreciated guys, Im new and I dont want the last 4 months of research, questions, $$$ and time to go to shit !!

Please someone help us out


Well-Known Member
I don't now about that line of nutes. I'd water with just water for abit as you have excess. Damage won't go away..just shouldn't increase if solves it. Then start at 1/4 strength and work up.


Active Member
I don't now about that line of nutes. I'd water with just water for abit as you have excess. Damage won't go away..just shouldn't increase if solves it. Then start at 1/4 strength and work up.
I heard giving her straight water will shock her? She is in a full coco medium?
I heard flushing with a 1/4 strength solution, which is what I did a couple of days ago. Not sure if she is getting better or not... will be able to tell when I get home this afternoon.

Ill update on here with fresh pics of her to see how shes going. Ill put pics up of my 12/12 from seed also, you can see the minor burns shes getting, how my bigger plant started !!!


New Member
Yo I would ditch the cyco products. I started using them this grow at 1/2 strength. I had great results for the first 4 weeks. Week 5 started getting nutrient burn on the same strength. Just fed at at 1/3 strength yesterday and 5 hours later my new growth was burning. Had to flush. I would do more research. I am ditching the cyco line for something less harsh. I feel like there is a reason I can't find anymore info on the line because growers do not want to use it.