This round they worded it and put the emphasis on terrorism even though it obviously isn't about that on far too many levels. And worse, it passed the House this evening. Headed to the Senate floor. Hopefully it dies there.
My concern is the NSA's new toy factory they're completing. These bills more or less justify that build out and put the icing on the cake. This capability of nearly endless storage and cracking ability and then the ability to willy nilly go dumpster diving years after the fact has my hackles up. True, this is just extending what they're already doing on too large a number of targets, but the next step is more wholesale and intrusive. Especially when they can combine it with a loophole law to backup their digging.
Like all data centers shared by DOD and similar, this information could be tapped by other agencies and provisions made to allow for query batching.
Wired Mag probably had one of the better breakdowns on it. Plainer English than several I've seen. Link:
Not to mention you probably want to take the time to look into TOR if you aren't using it or at least a good proxy server already. Or both as the case may be. Or a good VPN solution if you can get a one on a rotation.
Call it tinfoil hat wearing all you want. We've seen what is floating around in the private sector security databases on people. This will now allow them to add even more data without any provision needed ... "in the interest of National Security ..."