Cyber bullying: Goodbye 1st amendment


Well-Known Member
Did you all know that our friendly, loving government is in the process of governing what we say on the internet? That's right a new reason to give up even more your rights? If you say something to hurt someones feelings on the internet you are considered a bully and can be prosecuted under federal law.:spew:


Well-Known Member
Did you all know that our friendly, loving government is in the process of governing what we say on the internet? That's right a new reason to give up even more your rights? If you say something to hurt someones feelings on the internet you are considered a bully and can be prosecuted under federal law.:spew:
So I called this guy a dumb bastard on the internet, and the next thing I know there's a team of swat agents swarming into my house and out on the street. Freaking cops everywhere man. Cops in the trees, cops coming out of the sewers, cops rapelling from 'copters. When I asked them WTF, they said it was because I had called some guy a dumb bastard. Oh, and that since I used a swear word around them I just added another five years onto my sentence, because I was being mean to them.

:: Nightmares from 2018 ::

Actually that does remind me of something. Demolition Man, where they have those stupid little wall-mounted vulgarity-sensors everywhere that give out tickets.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to Communist China. Next election we all have to vote Independent. or whatever the 3rd party is. We can't let the 2 major parties have the world anymore. It's the only chance we have. Republicans and Democrats have to quick bickering and come together as one.


Well-Known Member
What's King Obama doing to stop all this? Oh yeah, nothing. Control financially, then control speech, and the walls of resistance and freedom will come crashing down. It all started with that liberal bullshit called "hate crimes", dividing a "crime" into two parts- the action itself, then the prosecution of THOUGHT. If that's not the sign of fascism, I don't know what is. They can kiss my brown starfish!!

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I was thinking about applying for a work visa for China, there they believe in capitalism, go figure.
Viet Nams economy is going through the roof too! What's wrong with this picture?


Well-Known Member
All kinds of new laws and taxes on the books for smoking cigs. And this is the same admin who's gonna legalize herb? How the hell is that supposed to work?
No tasty weed, as the kiddies will be drawn to try it? THC levels under 5%, regulated just like alcohol and beer? Taxed and regulated to high hell? We'll still have to sneak around to use it, as it will be banned from public use, like it and cigs are now? Honestly, the black market never looked so good.


Well-Known Member
HAH i'd like to see the government try and enforce such a BS law. Cops coming to peoples property and incriminating them for bullying on the internet?! That's like trying to tax farmers for their cows who are farting methane gas! My dad still has pride in this country(don't know HOW..), the so called 'land of the free', i have ZERO pride in the U.S. Our leaders dont know how to LEAD, and its my belief that half the people on this forum could run this country better than Obama.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
HAH i'd like to see the government try and enforce such a BS law. Cops coming to peoples property and incriminating them for bullying on the internet?! That's like trying to tax farmers for their cows who are farting methane gas! My dad still has pride in this country(don't know HOW..), the so called 'land of the free', i have ZERO pride in the U.S. Our leaders dont know how to LEAD, and its my belief that half the people on this forum could run this country better than Obama.


Well-Known Member
Anyone could run the country better, you only have to do nothing and it would be better.
That's assuming all this is just bumbling politicians, it sure is looking very intentional. These people have given their lives to crime oops i mean politics, and yet they would be missing so many vital mistakes, not possible if you ask me. No i'm afraid they are doing a masterful job, exactly what the lobbies who line their pockets and fueled their campaigns have asked of them.