Cxm 22’s at 1400

Go go n chill

Well-Known Member
I’m wanting advice.
I have a 4 cob setup
4- cxm22 3500k running at 1400ma.
The fixture grows plants very well but I’m not consistently getting huge buds. I’m currently growing king tut, blueberry, CBDurban and Bigworm’s Prime Crystals. Could bud size be more directly related to genetics or my light? Of course all other things aside.
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I run the cxm22 althought mine are 3k 80 and 90 cri mixed at 1400. I've noticed that often times my buds are smaller than they were under hps, but they are much more dense and the lower buds are much more developed, so my yields are better vs the same space/plants under 1kw bulbs. I've replaced each 1k with about 700w of cobs.

But I think yes, genetics have a lot to do with bud size.
Man, I have 4 Luminus, 2x3500cri90 and 2x4000cri80,,

3500K full 1400ma, and 4000k at about 500ma, 250watts. At midday, i like to run them full bore for 4 hours, then turn 4000k back down. I also use the 730nm for emerson and night initiation,

Ive learned alot about the emerson effect and VPD, which has helped me ALOT. 400 PAR is the magic number if you have those dialed in. This is the best ive had thus far. just bag seed these are.
these are 42 days from seed, started 12/12 from seed.

the taller ones, are 42 days old, and 30 inches tall. The one in back, is 32 days old, and i have 4 more at 24 days old, topped and poppin up.


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Man, I have 4 Luminus, 2x3500cri90 and 2x4000cri80,,

3500K full 1400ma, and 4000k at about 500ma, 250watts. At midday, i like to run them full bore for 4 hours, then turn 4000k back down. I also use the 730nm for emerson and night initiation,

Ive learned alot about the emerson effect and VPD, which has helped me ALOT. 400 PAR is the magic number if you have those dialed in. This is the best ive had thus far. just bag seed these are.
these are 42 days from seed, started 12/12 from seed.

the taller ones, are 42 days old, and 30 inches tall. The one in back, is 32 days old, and i have 4 more at 24 days old, topped and poppin up.
Why 12/12 bro
in and out, 15g a tree, good for me. showed sex at 20 days from seed, fast growin. Im also using MegaCrop, stuff is awesome.
400 is good for g/sf but needs to be applied uniformly. lollipopping a must as your zone isnt very deep
I do not own a par meter So I have no idea how my cobs stack up but i’m sure the data is there it is science . I’m glad you chimed in do they make a driver that I can replace mine with to run them harder? Just asking I’m short on cash lately it seems
@InTheValley ,

.400 PAR is the magic number.

I do you mean that's an average par reading of 400 across the canopy?

My canopy at 23Inches, as to how far they are right now, is 680ish par on the edges, and 840 center.

at 12inch i get 1050 at center, this is using all 4 cobs at 1400ma, ##This is Lux conversion PAR numbers, dividing 65 from Lux. Working on getting a PAR meter, but not a big deal at this point.

The 400 PAR thing, was referred to as the sweet spot for photosynthesis max when everything is perfect,.. such as vpd and spectrum, with correct emerson effect. ( this is info i got from this forum, cant remember who, will update if i find it) But since i followed these guild lines, i seen great growth.

the 4 hours is to beat the DLI into them, then turn down to get that 400-450 par as best i can, for early and later day.

My leafs pray from sun up to sun down.
Man, I have 4 Luminus, 2x3500cri90 and 2x4000cri80,,

3500K full 1400ma, and 4000k at about 500ma, 250watts. At midday, i like to run them full bore for 4 hours, then turn 4000k back down. I also use the 730nm for emerson and night initiation,

Ive learned alot about the emerson effect and VPD, which has helped me ALOT. 400 PAR is the magic number if you have those dialed in. This is the best ive had thus far. just bag seed these are.
these are 42 days from seed, started 12/12 from seed.

the taller ones, are 42 days old, and 30 inches tall. The one in back, is 32 days old, and i have 4 more at 24 days old, topped and poppin up.
Im just curious so your using approx 400 except during that midday when you give them more.. is that better than let say using 500 all day? (Or whatever the number is) so they get the same DLI.. i know your way reflect more the real sun effect but does it matters to the plant or not really? Just curious..
Hey Viceman. From what Ive gathered, my lights need more 3500K then 4000K to hit the correct spectrum for emerson effect. So, I use the early and later for lower PAR, to hit that sweet zone. But crank it midday, to just get more intensity to the lower plants i have, and to hit the bottoms of the plants more. I like to think about the whole DLI, but I guess thats even kinda undetermined to measure the correct amount your even getting or its needs. IDK,

Still learning, but to date, this is the best growth ive ever seen, at least by self initiation, and not by accident, lol..

I find that the VPD is realllly important in the photosynthesis part of growth, thats for sure. as per my monitor, 48RH and 78F, and 400ish par, is where i see instant leaf prying. Someone said, i think it was Stephen from HLG, that prying leafs meant they had enough photons for the day, and will pray to let light hit bottom leafs. But after I get my Temps and Humid set for the day, they stand straight up-, like in 10minutes, So i cant imagine, they got enough photons already,..
the max the cob will take is 55FV, the driver, will stop at 54FV, so you wont blow them, unless your fan blows out, because you cant passively cool them at that high amps without cooling. Im sure they would kick butt tho at that rate.

cobkit will chime in im sure,

but the wall killawatt meter would definitely help ya in figuring out what your working with.
the max the cob will take is 55FV, the driver, will stop at 54FV, so you wont blow them, unless your fan blows out, because you cant passively cool them at that high amps without cooling. Im sure they would kick butt tho at that rate.

cobkit will chime in im sure,

but the wall killawatt meter would definitely help ya in figuring out what your working with.
Oh hey I forgot about that, I’m passive right now. And I like running like that, less to go wrong