cxb3590 + mw 185h /// looking for some help here


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am new to the forum, also kinda new to indoor growing (and of course, new to LED, electronics, and well...)
After reading a lot and doing some research I finally decided to ask here because this is driving me mad, I am really bad at electronics because I lack basic knowledge on it.

I own a 60x60cm tent and I am growing with a 250W hps which I plan to replace as soon as I can... I want to go bigger, 1x1m and upgrade to LED.

I ordered these:

4x CXB3590-0000-000N0HCD35G (which I received today)
1x Meanwell driver HLG-185H-C1400A
4x Alluminum passive coolers (black painted with all the necessary holes for screws)
4x "Lamp holders" ( brand is "Ideal", specific for these LEDs, I checked and they fit nice)

I bought all of these based on some builds I saw and I plan them to run @50W each, but I still want to be sure of what I am doing before burning anything accidentally:

Will I be able to run these safely @50W each?

I need some advice on the wiring, which cables should I get, is parallel connection an option with this build?

The lamp holders come with two white connector each, should I buy some kind of connector/coating to put in the end of the wires so I can plug them into these?

And last but not least... I am from Spain, so if you can recommend me things I can get easily from european shops that would be great! :)

PS: if you need to see what I am talking about, please ask, I can add some pics
Hello everyone,

I am new to the forum, also kinda new to indoor growing (and of course, new to LED, electronics, and well...)
After reading a lot and doing some research I finally decided to ask here because this is driving me mad, I am really bad at electronics because I lack basic knowledge on it.

I own a 60x60cm tent and I am growing with a 250W hps which I plan to replace as soon as I can... I want to go bigger, 1x1m and upgrade to LED.

I ordered these:

4x CXB3590-0000-000N0HCD35G (which I received today)
1x Meanwell driver HLG-185H-C1400A
4x Alluminum passive coolers (black painted with all the necessary holes for screws)
4x "Lamp holders" ( brand is "Ideal", specific for these LEDs, I checked and they fit nice)

I bought all of these based on some builds I saw and I plan them to run @50W each, but I still want to be sure of what I am doing before burning anything accidentally:

Will I be able to run these safely @50W each?

I need some advice on the wiring, which cables should I get, is parallel connection an option with this build?

The lamp holders come with two white connector each, should I buy some kind of connector/coating to put in the end of the wires so I can plug them into these?

And last but not least... I am from Spain, so if you can recommend me things I can get easily from european shops that would be great! :)

PS: if you need to see what I am talking about, please ask, I can add some pics
I believe the maximum output voltage for that driver is 144 volts. 4 36 volt chips puts you right at this number. I'm not an expert, but I'm not sure you want to cut it that close. 240 h 1400 might have been a better option
4 will be fine on that driver. if you are looking for 50w per cob you would wire in seried with that driver. have you seen Growmous5 videos on youtube? his videos go over everything.
I am from Spain

Hola hermano - que tal ? de paseo aqui ?

Can I help you with this data sheet ?

Now as it is all bought - make shure to know your cxb3590 chip is 36V @ 2400mA.

to drive 4 in series is the option I would prefer.

Allways install a fan blowing on a pasiv heatsink - it helps for longlife.
The driver run at max. power ~ 190W - should be 50-100W more for 1x1m.
One more driver and 2 more chips + heatsink would be perfect

You can contact to to find in europe whatever you are looking for.
The owner lived many years in spain and can deliver all kind of led-tec.
Just write him an e-mail.
Hi everyone, thanks for your replies.

Now as it is all bought - make shure to know your cxb3590 chip is 36V @ 2400mA.

I think they are, I am almost sure, I cannot tell by looking at the specs in Cree's page, but here's a link to this same forum ( #7

have you seen Growmous5 videos on youtube? his videos go over everything.

I will have a look at growmau5 channel, I saw a few posts of him already.

to drive 4 in series is the option I would prefer.

Why series and not parallel? protection in case one of the LEDs fails?

The lamp holders come with two white connector each, should I buy some kind of connector/coating to put in the end of the wires so I can plug them into these?

I have 4 of these lamp holders:
How do you call the plug/pin/connector/whatever that you need to put on the end of the wires to connect them to these?
I mean, what should I look for? I don't even know how to name these in my own language, all I have found so far are buses for arduino :confused:
All of your questions have been answered hundreds of times on this forum. Spend some time looking them up and watch growmau5 videos.

Hi everyone, thanks for your replies.

I think they are, I am almost sure, I cannot tell by looking at the specs in Cree's page, but here's a link to this same forum ( #7

I will have a look at growmau5 channel, I saw a few posts of him already.

Why series and not parallel? protection in case one of the LEDs fails?

I have 4 of these lamp holders:
How do you call the plug/pin/connector/whatever that you need to put on the end of the wires to connect them to these?
I mean, what should I look for? I don't even know how to name these in my own language, all I have found so far are buses for arduino :confused:
What @nogod_ said.
Oh, and you're golden with your setup :)
I ran the same type and amount of COB's in same size tent, although i used 1 driver pr. COB. Good times await you.
Spend some time looking them up.
As I said in my first post, that's what I did, then I asked. Basically I was asking for advice... there are a lot of options that work fine but some might be better in a certain situation.

By the way, everything is going pretty well, I am still learning how to water properly, control the temp and the humidity etc... but I am doing pretty well I think.
I am growing some autos by now, but I will upgrade to a bigger tent soon or after the sumer is gone; and keep this one for a mother plant which is my next target, avoid growing everything from seeds and clone the plants I like.