Cuttings - Soil or Rock Wool? Rooting Substance?


Hey dudes

Before i start, if you want to know my growing conditions, they are:
  • Soil (bone meal, mg potting soil)
  • CFL light
Sorry for the pointless list. LOL
BTW I grew one from a seedling with this soil, so i know there is no problem there.

I want to take a cutting from one of my babys i grew from a seedling, so can anybody reccomend and have expirienced using differant rooting hormone gel, powder, or w/e?.
Also, if im growing in soil, using hydroponic in no way, under CFLS.
What about Rock wool and Soil for putting brand new cuttings into?, if there going in soil, then shouldnt the cuttings first go in to soil? ive got 2 cuttings a freind gave me and they are in rockwool in the soil too, so i now there should be no nute burn or w/e.

What is an ideal medium to use for cuttings?

Thanks guys, ive got some pics of them all, they were new back then, thay have grown abit since! ;]



Active Member
you can use rock wool or soil, it doesn't matter
and i use root tone
put i hear clonex gel is way better


Active Member
eyi have had great success with rootteck and soil and rockwool work just as well its whats easiest for you and what they are going into i use a house plug ithch is organic and is a little less denser than a rapid rooter


you can use rock wool or soil, it doesn't matter
and i use root tone
put i hear clonex gel is way better
What about nutes , if i use soil should i mix in the miracle grow potting mix and the bone meal like usual or would adding nutes harm them at this stage?


Well-Known Member
What about nutes , if i use soil should i mix in the miracle grow potting mix and the bone meal like usual or would adding nutes harm them at this stage?
the only "nutrients" you want your baby clones to get are the rooting hormones. they don't have roots yet, so therefore cannot absorb nutrients through the soil anyway...