cutting the top off your plant?


Well-Known Member
i dont know if i just done the right thing but i have cut the top off my plant it was just getting to big


Well-Known Member
i cut the top that was starting to develop and yeah it is still in veg sadly Ive had it for six months i put it in 12/12 two days ago


Well-Known Member
If it was too big before you've even flowered good luck with the next 8 weeks, shes gonna double or triple her size...cutting the top didn't do anything bad infact its called topping, the part you cut will split into 2 and you'll have two main colas instead of one.


Well-Known Member
yeah she is ive been using a shed for 12/12 but if she gets to big to put in shed the flowering things just going to have to wight


Well-Known Member
no worries mighty bush
It can take up to 2 weeks before the plant reverts to flower.

now it is going to double if not triple in size during flower though.

Sounds like you are going to have a maddison square garden christmas tree on your hand.

the little bit that you cut off would not matter.
You could have cut off the top 1/3 of the plant if you wanted to.


Well-Known Member
Yeah tie it down.
Just do it gently do not be rough with it.
you should be able to bend it over each time you put it in the shed.

I hope you have good ventilation in the shed.
This heat will kill it.


Active Member
you should really consider weighting down the top of the plant, within a day the top will turn towards the sun, and you can consiterably reduce its height that way, also you might want to just chop some of the top off, clone it, then bloom the rest of the plant weighing down all new branches