Cutting the cheese!!!!


Well-Known Member
i dont think it will regenerate itself without changing the photo period. not to mention the cold nights. well depending where you are. look up regeneration:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Check this out!

Pukka Seeds | Cannabis Seeds | The Doggies Nuts Cannabis Seeds | Big Bad John (auto flowering)

Aparrently it will grow back automatically the next grow season, they also have another strain with similar traits somewhere, a bit expensive though.
Maybe i'm a little confused, but it seems like they're just selling auto-flowering hermie seeds and marketing it as a breakthrough
"Yes the seeds and not so commonly the plant can over winter and re-emerge come the spring,(Hmmm... i'm pretty sure all seeds can survive winter and thats how cannabis has stayed alive for thousands of generations) as in this little, or should we say big beauty will auto flower once it is established - if left to be it will set seeds(hermie), then these seeds will grow and then these plants will do the same thing so on and so forth ad infinitum!"
Doesn't sound like my idea of a good time.
sorry to butt in, this just struck me as a little weird.


Well-Known Member
i have regen'd a few plants its a long process, any plant will pretty much go threw it. thats all indoors though. outsides another story.


Well-Known Member
but they would only regenerate in hotter climates. for someone like me living in ireland where the winters are harsh these would ideal for a greenhouse grow. now if i was living in afghanistan i wouldnt bother with them.