Cutting fan leaves


Active Member
Hey guys,

My bubbakush has giant fan leaves. They are blocking every single bud site, I tried to move them but if I move it to expose a bud site then it blocks another site. I was thinking after a week or 2 of flower the flowering sites would grow further out to reach the light. But so far this isnt happening. Should I cut some fan leaves off or trim the fan leaves? Is there another technique?

I am 2 weeks into flower and it is about a foot tall.

I read it isnt good to cut them or trim them since they are like solar panels, but my bud sites arent getting any light. Or i should say not as much as they would if the fan leaves werent there. I am using a 400W HPS light with a hortilux bulb that is about 5 feet from the floor of my tent and about 10 - 12 inches from the tops of my plants. I have 3 plants and the bubbakush is the smallest, but i have it on a box to make it even with the rest.

any help would be great. thanks
I grew OG Kush my last harvest and had massive fan leaves but I left them on until I was 2 weeks from flower, then I pulled them off and let light get into the bottom tiers and harvested them 3 weeks after I clipped the top buds.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Don't do it. Watch this video.
That video doesn't have any importance to this thread. That guy has heat and pH issues, and is a very inexperienced grower.

Defoliation is best applied from early vegetative life through the 2nd week of flowering. After the second week the plant isn't going to be producing very much foliage, so what you remove will not be replaced. If you remove the larger fan leaves earlier on then those lower bud sites will increase in size and compensate the loss of the large fan leaf by growing several fan leaves for itself.

At this point I don't think you have many options. Training is best applied early on. Fucking with your plants now is just going to mess up your harvest. Tuck what you can, and ride it out. If the bud sites are REALLY immature you can clone them or remove them all together to allow the plant to focus its energy and hormones to the places that will get enough light. You're right on the edge, so whatever you do, do it now. You don't want to go stressing your plants after week 2 of flowering (if ever).