Cutting Early. Double Dare Me?


Well-Known Member
I would say the MOST difference is made now.

this is when the bud developes it's cannabinoid 'cocktail' , the dynamics of the high are being shaped RIGHT here. this is definitely the MOST important part of growing. that's where people do the most damage, harvesting early, improper drying and curing..etc..

you're looking at atleast a month for full cure.

but you will be able to get high on some dry buds within 5 days of harvest.... but definitely don't slack on the next week or possibly TWO under the light.
Great info poplars. Thanks! That certainly makes me want to wait, I want the best out of my plants. Cheers!

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
So I may catch some shit for this, but it seems to work. I just did the chop last weekend. I had quite a bit of popcorn & buds that accidently got clipped. I got that shit chillin in a paper bag, while my real shit hangs. I made this ghetto ass hairdryer rig, and I just throw some popcorn in there for 15-20 mins, and I'm high. I dunno. I know it tastes better after a proper cure, but this ain't bad. Not at all.

I had quite a bit to play with though:)



Well-Known Member
lol mike, i put a tiny bud in my toaster oven and it dried out pretty good. I put the temp on the lowest setting and waited util it felt crisp. it's like a dehydrator.


Active Member
lol. dooooont cut that beauty yet. no no! i can see the methods to your madness, gotta have an open mind..but not so open your brain falls out! like POP said, never mess with the 'noids at this crucial juncture! bad mojo! supercropping is good for bottom buds!

mike thats bomb! i was using a hair dryer last night to fast-dry up water from making icewater hash and i was thinking kinda along these lines for a faster way to get my new harvests little treasures lung-ready! i usually put them on this metal candle lid i have and put that on top of my desk lamp...turn'em and rotate'em around a little and they are usually done in like 20-30.