cut soil for clones?


im using fox farm ocean. should i cut it with the fox farm warrior for the new clones. im thinking its took many nutes for clones. not sure. thnkn again


Well-Known Member
I have never had burn with using Fox Farm Ocean Forest from seed/clone to flower. However, I have also amended it with various amounts of Perlite and Fox Farm Happy Frog with great success.


sweet, excellent info, i was reading about that, but i thought that the fox farm being top shelf, would have everything, but i make sense, what is the ratio you use, thanks again


Active Member
the clones are not young plants... know what i mean?
so long as the clone is rooted, you should not have any problems with full strength FFOF, ASSUMING that the plant you took the cutting from doesn't have any problems with it

as for seedlings... i've had mixed results, so i don't use FFOF on seedlings until the cotyledons(first set of round leaves) go brow/fall off - having aged this far, the plant (i believe) begins to seek out nutes from the earth.

AFTER the plant gets that far along, i've had no -major- problems with burn from FFOF